Corewell Health / Emergency Care Specialists
Ultrasound Projects
Outside Lectures
Most of our ultrasound faculty and previous fellows have taught at local, regional, or national ultrasound courses. Dr. Flannigan has been an active lecturer for the "Emergency Ultrasound Course" at several national locations since 2011.
Internal Lectures
PGY1 Core Applications Lectures, Emergency Medicine Residency Lectures, Ultrasound Rotation Lectures for Medical Students, Off-Service Residents, and Critical Care Fellows
Ultrasound Courses
Michigan College of Emergency Physician Ultrasound Courses.
The Emergency Ultrasound Course (optional participation)- Chicago, Las Vegas, Orlando, Park City, Charleston, San Diego, and multiple other smaller regional courses offered each month.
Mini - selective are available for regional anesthesia, transesophageal echocardiography, and international emergency medicine. Other rotations will be considered by the ultrasound division.