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Denver Health Pediatric Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship

Ultrasound Projects

Outside Lectures

Fellows will also have opportunities to participate in ultrasound courses given locally and regionally.

Internal Lectures

Internal lectures include those given to emergency medicine residents, pediatric residents, attendings, and students who are doing the ultrasound elective. As well, each ultrasound fellow will give a Grand Rounds lecture.

Ultrasound Courses

Yes, through Denver Health Medical Center.


Other Information

Each fellow will be responsible for one inter-department project. Examples of previous projects include:
-Implementation of ultrasound-nerve block protocol with the Department of Orthopedics
-Development and implementation of hospital-wide ultrasound-guided peripheral venous access program
-Hospitalist ultrasound-guided procedure training
-Hospitalist optic nerve sheath diameter training
-Pediatric faculty ultrasound curriculum/training
-PACS imaging archiving process and system development