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UNC Chapel Hill

Fellowship Program

Length of Fellowship

1 year



Additional Funds

25,703 Fringe Benefits
1,100 Professional Liability
5,000 CME
3,000 Butterfly Probe

Number of Clinical Hours


Other Duties

1. Approximately 20 hours/week fellowship responsibilities:
A. 4 hours/week resident conference

B. 4 hours/week fellow conference
C. At least 8 hours/week scanning
D. 5 hours/week research/administrative work

2. Overall, you are expected to fulfill at least 20 hours per month of hands-on teaching of residents and/or other faculty in EUS. This includes but is not limited to didactic lectures, bedside teaching during your clinical shifts, research involvement of residents or faculty, and QA education. 

Number of Sites


Number of Positions Per Year


Additional Opportunities

Educational Experience

- Emergency Ultrasound Faculty
- Cardiology Faculty
- Anesthesia Faculty
-Family Medicine Faculty

Image Review

- Weekly with ultrasound faculty
-Reviewing ultrasound images is almost as important as acquiring them. To assure that you are performing high- quality sonography, your images and videos will all be reviewed by a director to assure that they support your interpretations. We refer to this as internal QA. In addition, there is external QA which compares your findings to “official” findings. To further hone your skills and prepare you for a directorship of your own, you will review other peoples’ ultrasounds and give them feedback on their scans.

Deadline for Fellowship Application

October 15th

Fellows Chosen