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Morristown Memorial Hospital/Atlantic Health System

Fellowship Program

Length of Fellowship

1 year


The fellowship salary is $112,875 salary for 864 fellowship hours for the year or an average of 72 hours per month.
Can work Clinical shifts at the site rate of $215/hr + $30 night diff after 72 hours fellowship per month satisfied.

Additional Funds

CME $10,000 plus BERA expenses 3,500 for other expenses (electronics, books, etc)
Many opportunities to moonlight at other Envision sites

Number of Clinical Hours


Other Duties

Attending monthly staff meetings
Giving formal lectures to residents at conferences/Grand Rounds
Envision Conference US course in Atlantic City

Number of Sites

1 site

Number of Positions Per Year


Additional Opportunities

Educational Experience

Regional nerve blocks
Simulation Lab
Atlantic City Envision conference

Image Review

All images are reviewed at QA every Tuesday with the ultrasound director/Us faculty

Deadline for Fellowship Application

Fellows Chosen