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Orlando Regional Medical Center



Leech SJ, Daugharthy J, Zigrossi D, Silvestri S, Papa L. Remote Instruction Using Videoconferencing Technology is Equivalent to Live Instruction to Train Novice Users in the FAST Exam. Moderated poster presentation at SAEM National Meeting, May 2009, New Orleans, LA

Leech SJ, Daugharthy J. Emergency Physicians Accurately Identify Regional Wall Motion Abnormalities on Echocardiography. Poster presentation at Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, May 2009, New Orleans, LA

Leech SJ, Daugharthy J. Multimedia Emergency Bedside Ultrasound Quality Assurance Feedback, Innovations in Emergency Medicine Education (IEME) Exhibit. Poster IEME presentation at SAEM National Meeting, May 2009, New Orleans, LA

Nickels LC, Leech SJ, Cassidy DD, Briscoe J, Papa L, Wu T, A Randomized Trial of an Ultrasound Phantom Versus A Live Model in Teaching Endovaginal Ultrasound to Emergency Physicians Acad. Emerg Med 2008. Oral Presentation at SAEM National Meeting, Washington DC, May 2008.

Leech SJ, Nomura JT, Sierzenski PR, Geria R,
Alexandrov AV. Emergency Physicians Accurately Interpret Thrombolysis in Brain Ischemia (TIBI)-graded Transcranial Doppler Waveforms with High Interrater Reliability in Acute Ischemic Stroke. Acad. Emerg. Med.
2006 13: S193-a-194S

Leech SJ, Sierzenski PR, Gukhool JA, O'Connor RE. Replacing a Cart-Based Ultrasound System with a Compact System Increases Emergency Bedside Ultrasound Use and User Confidence. Ann. Emerg Med. - September 2005. Vol. 46, Issue 3

Sierzenski PR, Gaspari RJ, Tayal VS, Dickman E, Gukhool JA, Leech S, O'Connor RE. Institution of a Combined Rotation in Anesthesia and Emergency Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine Residency Programs: A Pathway for Early Dedicated Ultrasound Experience
Without Compromising Intubation Experience for PGY-1 Emergency Medicine Residents. Ann. Emerg Med. - September 2005. Vol. 46, Issue 3

Leech SJ, Morton KM, Preston LM, Sierzenski PR, O'Connor RE, Gukhool JA, Bollinger M, Humphrey M. Emergency Ultrasound and Urinalysis in Combination Facilitates Clinical Decision Making in Patients with Suspected Renal Colic. Acad Emerg Med 2005

Nomura JT, Leech SJ, Shenbagamurthi S, Sierzenski PR, O'Connor RE, Bollinger M, Humphrey M, Gukhool JA. The Use of Ultrasound Reduces the Number of Failed Lumbar Punctures and Improves Ease of Performance of Lumbar Puncture in Obese Patients. Acad Emerg Med 2005 12: 36

Sierzenski PR, Blaivas M, Dickman E, Brannam L, Leech SJ. Spectral Doppler Ultrasound Accurately Identifies the Presence, Absence, or Diminished Antegrade Flow in a
Ventriculo-peritoneal Shunt Model. Acad Emerg Med 2004 11: 446-a

Leech SJ, Gukhool JA, Dickman E, Sierzenski PR Emergency Physician-performed Ultrasound Accurately Identifies Upper Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis. Acad Emerg Med 2004 11: 585-b. 10

Sierzenski PR, Dickman E, Leech SJ, Gukhool JA, Bollinger ME. Emergency Physician Ultrasound Decreases Physician Times to Diagnosis, Beta-blocker Therapy, and Operative Repair in Patients with Acute Aortic Dissection. Acad Emerg Med 2004 11: 580b-581b.

Sierzenski PR, Leech SJ, Dickman E, Leibrandt PN, Gukhool JA, Bollinger ME. Emergency Physician Ultrasound Decreases Time to Diagnosis, Time to CT Scan, and Time to Operative Repair in Patients with Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Acad
Emerg Med 2004 11: 580

Sierzenski PR, DickmanE, Leech SJ, Tayal V, Blaivas M Defining the Position of the Emergency Ultrasound Director: A National Survey of Academic Ultrasound Directors from Emergency Medicine Residency Programs. Acad Emerg Med 2004 11: 497-b-498-b

Sierzenski PR, Blaivas M, Leech SJ, Theodoro D Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Fellowships: A Description of Format, Fellowship Requirements and Goals. Ann Emerge Med 2003 Oct

