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Creighton University School of Medicine - Phoenix

Program Description

Type of Program

3 year EM residency at a Level 1 trauma center

Year Fellowship Started


Ultrasound Program Status

Division of Emergency Ultrasound within the Department of Emergency Medicine

Number of Ultrasound Faculty


Notable Faculty

Jeff Stowell, MD (Chair)

Levi Filler (Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Director, Associate Emergency Ultrasound Director)

Carl Mitchell, MD (Emergency Ultrasound Director, Associate Emergency Fellowship Director)

Jason Grimsman, MD
Jesse Shriki, MD
Daniel Rigdon, MD
Daniel Orosco, DO
Thomas Whiting, DO
Ashkon Mahmoudi, DO

Ultrasound Fellowship Education

Welcome to our Ultrasound Fellowship!

Our unique emergency ultrasound fellowship has been developed to blend cutting edge technology, novel applications and techniques, and expert workflow and administration. Fellows of the program will be provided with top-of-the-line training in emergency medicine ultrasonography, education, and research. Trainees will become specialists in all facets of the subspecialty and while working alongside a wonderful group of attending physicians, residents, and medical students throughout the one-year fellowship.

Participants of the fellowship will work in an environment that fosters education, research, and professional development. Some highlights of this innovative fellowship include:
Proctoring, mentoring, and educating physicians, residents, & medical students
Designing and implementing clinical research projects & protocols for emergency ultrasonography
Participating in on-going, innovative emergency ultrasound research projects
Teaching and lecturing at regional and national courses
Management of emergency ultrasound workflow and administration
A structured 12-month content focused training curriculum
Fellowship Requirements: Scanning
The EM ultrasound fellow will successfully perform approximately 1200 focused, bedside ultrasound examinations during the one-year fellowship. Bedside scans will be performed during self-scheduled ultrasound shifts each month in the Valleywise Health ED. The fellow will be responsible for tracking his/her progress and number of scans performed throughout the year. Throughout the fellowship, the EM ultrasound fellow will receive directed feedback concerning accuracy, image quality, and sonographic technique utilized for image acquisition and interpretation through video review. The fellow will learn how to integrate bedside ultrasound findings into the clinical management of their patients.

Fellowship Requirements: Teaching
The EM ultrasound fellow will participate in teaching EM attending physicians, residents, nurses, and medical students at Valleywise Health in emergency ultrasound. Throughout the year, the ultrasound directors and ultrasound fellow will conduct ultrasound QA/QI sessions to review the ultrasound database and provide directed feedback to the faculty, residents and medical students. The ultrasound fellow will have the opportunity to teach and lecture at a variety of courses and conferences during the fellowship year. The fellow will also be involved in development of online and mobile educational platforms.

Fellowship Requirements: Research
The EM ultrasound fellow will be surrounded by national leaders in research and education. During the year, the fellow will design and conduct individualized research project for publication. An expert departmental research team will be available to assist in data collection and analysis. An application for IRB approval can, and should be, initiated in the spring prior to fellowship commencement. The fellow will be actively involved in the data collection and interpretation, along with manuscript preparation for their research project. The ultrasound fellow will also be actively involved in the ongoing EM resident ultrasound research projects at Valleywise Health The fellow will be required to submit an abstract to one of the three major scientific meetings during their fellowship year: AIUM Annual Convention (June), SAEM Academic Assembly (May), or ACEP Scientific Assembly (October).

Fellowship Requirements: Administration
During the fellowship, the EM ultrasound fellow will learn about credentialing, billing, workflow, and process improvement. Bedside scans will be reviewed with the ultrasound directors with directed feedback to individual providers. The fellow will work alongside the EM ultrasound directors, hospital administration and IT to develop and manage workflow solutions for image archiving, retrieval, and documentation. The fellow will work with the ultrasound directors to build and improve the existing ultrasound image compendium used in our facilities. The fellow is expected to become familiar with the position statements and ultrasound guidelines from governing boards such as AMA, ACEP, SAEM, CORD, ACGME, and AIUM. The fellow will be trained on how to manage billing and coding for bedside, focused EM ultrasonography.

Other Information
Fellowship applicants must be graduates of an AAMC accredited medical school and must show proof of successful completion of an approved ACGME residency program.

Year Fellowship Started: 2010
Length of Fellowship: One academic year.
Number of Positions per year: 1-2 fellows per academic year.
Deadline for fellowship application: November 1st
Interviews scheduled: Interviews will be scheduled on a rolling basis.

Valleywise Health - Phoenix
Creighton University- Phoenix
University of Arizona-College of Medicine – Phoenix

Notable Faculty
Levi Filler, DO
Jeffrey Stowell, MD
Carl Mitchell, MD

Do you bill for ultrasounds?


Do you require follow up imaging for patients who get ultrasounds?


Other Information

Ultrasound Department Focus:
Resuscitation and Critical Care Ultrasound
Regional Anesthesia
Clinical Informatics
Advanced cardiac ultrasound
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound