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MetroHealth Medical Center

Resident Education Experience

Average Number of US

Residents are expected to perform a minimum of 200 scans during their residency. Residents earn "Guardian of the Sound" awards and pins for scans above this level.

Is there a dedicated US month?

Yes, we have a dedicated 3 week ultrasound rotation for PGY 1 residents.

Is there an US elective?

Yes we have an elective for Medical Students and Off-service Residents, an advanced elective for PGY-2 residents, and a longitudinal US track for residents with significant US interest.

Number of Residents who went on to become US fellows

Multiple residents have gone on to pursue fellowship training. Former residents who became fellows include:

Sandy Werner (MetroHealth)
Sara Stout (MetroHealth)
Deb Kimball (MetroHealth)
Matthew Tabbut (MetroHealth)
Cristiana Olaru (University of Pennsylvania)
Paul Koscumb ( University of Phoenix)
Michael Pergola (University of Arizona)

Number of hours Hands-on (i.e. scan shifts)

ED residents on their ultrasound rotation scan daily (15 days excluding Wednesday mornings) with the sonographer-educator and core US faculty. All scans during their ultrasound rotation are supervised.

Number of hours Image Review

Varies by week. Includes case review as well as just images.

Number of hours didactics

Approximately 2.5 hours/week of didactics through online modules, cases, faculty lectures

Other Information