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Hennepin County Medical Center

Program Resources

Ultrasound Machines

We have better ultrasound equipment than any ED in the world - 30 ultrasound machines in our ED (28 new in 2015): 2 high-end Toshiba Aplio 300 cart-based systems, 2 high-end Mindray Resona systems, 12 Mindray M9 cart-based systems, 12 Mindray TE7 cart and wall-mounted systems. 12 endocavitary probes and 10 TEE probes!
All of our machines are wireless connected to Butterfly and Osirix.

Ultrasound Probes

All possible transducers, including:
-transesophageal (10)
-endocavitary/transvaginal (12)
-high frequency linear
-small footprint linear (for procedures)
-high frequency microconvex (for procedures)
-small and large footprint curvilinear
-pediatric cardiac
-pediatric abdominal

Image Recorder

All machines send wireless images and video to both QPath and Osirix databases - cloud based Butterfly Blueprint and local Osirix server within our department. Both Butterfly Blueprint and Osirix can also send select images to the hospital PACS.

Educational Resources

We have 1 full-time ultrasound technicians to help teach residents, fellows and students, and maintain our equipment.
High volume - 130,000 visits projected this year.
Extensive experience.
Our department has been using ultrasound since 1985. All of our 30 faculty are ultrasound credentialed, use ultrasound extensively in their clinical decision-making and bill for it.

Other Information

Extensive digital library of ED ultrasound images.
Fellows are given a Mac laptop and encouraged to create their own library digital images using the Osirix program as a database.