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Corrado M, Hughes DL, Mynatt I, Prats MI, Royall N, Boulger C, Bahner DP. 2018. Podium Presentation: Billing I-AIM: A Novel Framework for Ultrasound Billing. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 25. [Hughes DL, Mynatt I, Prats MI, Boulger C and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

Menon R, Prats MI, Bahner DP. 2018. Podium Presentation: GATES: Global Assessment Tool—Echocardiography Simulation. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 26. [Prats MI and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

Pusateri A, Blaine D, McCombs C, Scoville N, Butwin A, Evans S, Bahner DP. 2018. Podium Presentation: Enhancing Collaboration Between Future Sonologists and Sonographers: An Ultrasound Interest Group (USIG) Outreach Initiative. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 26. [Bahner DP is from OSU-EM]

Cotton J, Bahner DP. 2018. Podium Presentation: The Tactile Trainer: A Novel and Better Method to Teach Ultrasound-Guided Procedures. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 26. [Cotton J and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

Howell M, Everett J, Diaz-Bobillo M, Prats MI, Boulger C, Bahner DP. 2018. Podium Presentation: Emergency Medicine Community of Practice: A Framework for Ultrasound Research, Education, and Clinical Application. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 27. [Everett J, Boulger C, Prats MI, and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

Goike J, Conroy M, Bahner DP, Way DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: A Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Community of Practice: Implementation & Progress. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Conroy M, Bahner DP and Way DP are from OSU-EM]

Gold D, McCombs C, Arand C, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: A Needs Assessment for Expanded Pediatric Residency Ultrasound Education in an Academic Children's Hospital. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Bahner DP is from OSU-EM]

Martinez C, Boulger C, Prats MI, Branditz L, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: An Institutional Needs Assessment for Point of Care Ultrasound at a Tertiary Care Academic Medical Center. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Martinez C, Boulger C, Branditz L, Prats MI, and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

Gold D, Arand C, McCombs C, Howell M, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Developing the Pediatric Community of Practice: The Incorporation of Bedside Ultrasound into Pediatric Medical Education. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Bahner DP is from OSU-EM]

Tabbut M, Gold D, Boulger C, Avila J, Branditz L, Broderick E, Noble V, Damewood S, Prats MI, Stolz L, Tate S, Theyyunni N, Werner S, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Development and Implementation of a Regional Ultrasound Consortium. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Boulger C, Branditz L, Prats MI, and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

Mamer L, Branditz L, Cotton J, End B, Prats MI, Boulger C, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Incorporating Ultrasound Education into the Third-Year Medical Student Clinical Clerkship Curriculum: The Ground School Program. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Branditz L, Cotton J, End B, Prats MI, Boulger C, and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

Carrier L, Kalmar E, Prats MI, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Integration of Head and Neck Ultrasound in First Year Medical School Curriculum. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Prats MI, and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

Edwards J, Miller K, Boulger C, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Longitudinal Advanced Competency in Point-of-Care Ultrasound; a Curriculum for Medical Students. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Miller K, Boulger C and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]
Shay L, Pan L, Bahner DP, Blumenfeld M. 2018. Poster Presentation: Medical Student Education in Obstetric and Gynecologic Ultrasound. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Bahner DP is from OSU-EM, Blumenfeld M is from OSU-OB/GYN]

Francescon D, Kosier A, Mehta M, Reilly R, Boulger C, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Sonographic Diagnosis of Cardiac Foreign Body Migrated from Abdomen and Causing Cardiac Tamponade. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Francescon D, Kosier A, Mehta M, Boulger C, Bahner DP are from OSU-EM; Reilly R is from OSU-Surgery ICU]

Diaz-Bobillo M, Menon R, Mamer L, Tate T, Gao Y , Prats MI, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Streamlining the Ultrasound Research Process for Medical Students: Ultrasound Research Interest Group. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Prats MI, and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

McCombs C, Pusateri A, Diaz-Bobillo M, Vargas A, Menon R, Prats MI, Boulger C, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Ultrasound in Clinical Medicine, Administration, Research, and Education Pilot Program. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Prats MI, Boulger C, and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]

McDermott R, Howell M, Prats MI, Bahner DP. 2018. Poster Presentation: Waking up Hibernating Communities of Practice: Stages of Activity Concept in the Governance of Ultrasound Communities of Practice. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. US. March 24. [Prats MI, and Bahner DP are from OSU-EM]


Rock the Resus- Columbus, OhioNeedle to Target- Ultrasound Guided Procedures

July 2018
Rock the Resus- Columbus, Ohio
POCUS Can Help You- US and the Critically Ill Patient

March 2017 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Meeting Orlando, Fl
Gaming in Medical Education

2000 Trinity and B Quiet to ACEP Ultrasound Section. Philadelphia, PA

2001 Super Acute Emergencies. Hypotension in the ED (AIUM) Las Vegas, NV

2001 Trinity Protocol to SDMS Scientific Abstract. Dallas, Texas

2001 Innovations in Medical Student Education DUS and Physical Diagnosis.
Ultrasound in the Anatomy Curricular Abstract presented to the American
Association of Anatomists (AAA). FASEB. Orlando, Fl

2002 B QUIET. Reliability of an Ultrasound Image Quality Technique. AIUM 2002
National Conference. Nashville, TN

2002 Ultrasound Research at a National Emergency Medicine Conference. AIUM
National Conference. Nashville, TN

2002 Ultrasound ECHO I for 1st Year Medical Students. AIUM National Conference.
Nashville, TN

2002 Innovations in Medical Education. Evidence Based Learning. SAEM National Conference.
St. Louis, MS

2002 Ultrasound: Why and How? Nevada ACEP Mtg., Las Vegas, NV

2002 Prehospital Ultrasonography Training: A Five Month Pilot Study. ACEP Research
Forum. Seattle, WA

2002 EBL for the 21st Century. RIME-AAMC National Conference. San Francisco, CA

2003 First Health: Emergency Ultrasound Course. Pinehurst, NC

2004 Ultrasound in the USA. AIUM Compact Ultrasound Conference, Washington, DC

2004 Wireless Ultrasound: The Wave of the Future. SAEM National Conference. Innovation
in Emergency Medicine Education (IEME). Orlando, FL

2004 Wireless Ultrasound: The Ohio State Version. Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.
(Sponsored by General Electric). New Orleans, LA

2004 An Immersion in Problem-Based Learning to Teach Clinical Reasoning Skills as a
CAPSTONE to Preclinical Studies. Cynthia H. Ledford, M.D., Catherine R.
Lucey, M.D., Sorabh Khandelwal, M.D., David P. Bahner, M.D.
and Charles Hitchcock. 24th Annual Meeting of the Generalists in Medical Education.
Boston, MA

2004 The Capstone Course: Putting the final “capstone” on an integrated program preclinical
studies through and immersion in Problem-Based Learning – Cynthia H. Ledford, M.D.
Catherine R. Lucey, M.D., Sorabh Khandelwal, M.D., David P. Bahner, M.D.
and Charles Hitchcock. AAMC Meeting. Boston, MA

2005 The Ultrasound Academy Innovation in Emergency Medicine. David Bahner, M.D.,
Rich Limperos, M.D., Jim Schneider, Doug Rund, M.D. Society of Academic
Emergency Medicine. New York, NY

2005 The Effect of Information Delivery on Patient Satisfaction in the Emergency Department.
Patrick White, David P. Bahner, M.D., Anna Fishman, Jeff Glinski, M.D.,
Sorabh Khandelwal, M.D. American College of Emergency Physicians Research
Forum Washington, DC

2005 Ultrasound Educational Competency Hierarchical Outcomes: A Report on the
Novice Ultrasound User, the First Year Medical Student. David P Bahner, M.D.,
Richard J. Limperos, M.D., Douglas A. Rund, M.D., American College of
Emergency Physicians Research Forum Washington, DC

2006 The Validity and Reliability of the Standardized Test of Reported Stress.
David P. Bahner M.D., Sarah Orlousky, Matt Orlousky. American College of
Emergency Physicians Research Forum. New Orleans, LA

2006 Visiting Professor. Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine: History, Protocols and Hands-On
Practice. Wright State University Department of Emergency Medicine. Dayton, OH

2007 Visiting Professor. Emergency Ultrasound Case Review: ultrasound in Regional
Anesthesia. Madigan Medical Center. Tacoma, WA

2007 Ultrasound in Hemorrhagic Shock. AIUM National Pre-Conference. New York, NY

2007 Ultrasound in Medical Education. AIUM National Conference. New York, NY

2007 Emergency Ultrasound, Wireless Ultrasound. North Carolina Ultrasound Society
Meeting, Cary, NC

2007 Visiting Professor. Critical Care Ultrasound. ACEP Grand Rounds. University of
Washington, Seattle, WA

2007 Acute Coronary Syndromes. (sponsored by Sanofi Aventis). St. Joseph Medical Center,
Philadelphia, PA

2008 Ultrasound in the Medical Student Curricula. AAMC Innovation in Medical Education.
San Antonio, TX

2008 Ultrasound Procedures. Ultrasound Practice Forum. Washington, DC

2010 Peer-Mentored .Ultrasound Training. Bailey J, Jeppesen K, Stehmeier I, Kube E, Bahner D.
Accepted for oral presentation at American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
(AIUM) 2010 Convention. San Diego, CA

2010 The Digital Portfolio: A Longitudinal Medical Student Ultrasound Education Experience. Hughes D, Kube E, Gable B, Madore F, Gupta A, Adkins E, Bahner D. Accepted
For oral presentation at American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) 2010
Convention. San Diego, CA

2010 Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access Training in Medical School. Adkins E, Kube E,
Bahner D. Accepted for oral presentation at American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
(AIUM) 2010 Convention. San Diego, CA

2010 Integration of Sonography into the Medical School Anatomy Curriculum. SAEM
Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ

2010 Visiting Professor. Ultrasound in Medical Education. George Washington University
Department of Emergency Medicine. Washington, DC

2011 Keynote Speaker. Clinical Approach to Utilizing Sonography in the Evaluation
of Dyspnea. 8th Ultrasound Symposium, St. Luke’s Roosevelt, New York, NY

2012 Overview of Ultrasound Teaching and Teaching Tools: Standardized Patients, E-Tech, and E-Learning. Bahner D. Presented at AIUM Annual Convention, Phoenix, Arizona

2012 Early Ultrasound Exposure for First Year Medical Students During Anatomy. Dreher S, Corliss B, Bahner D, Boulger C, Adkins E. Presented at AIUM Annual Convention, Phoenix, Arizona

2012 Development of an Advanced Ultrasound Training Program for Medical Students. Royall N, Bahner D. Presented at AIUM Annual Convention, Phoenix, Arizona

2012 Incorporation of Focused Ultrasonography Into a Critical Care Training Fellowship: Validation of an Educational Model. Nunley D, Dresbach S, Adkins E, Bahner D. Presented at AIUM Annual Convention, Phoenix, Arizona

2013 Ultrasound in the Critically Ill- University of Cincinnati Department of Emergency Medicine Visiting Professor 5/22/2013

2013 Acquiring ultrasound systems." Presented at World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical
Education, Peers within Field. Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, Columbia, South Carolina, United States. (Sep 2013)

2013 An Ultrasound Student Portfolio. Presented at World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical
Education, Peers within Field. Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, Columbia, South
Carolina, United States. (Sep 2013)

2013 Approach to Abdominal Ultrasound. Presented at World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical
Education, Peers within Field. Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, Columbia, South
Carolina, United States. (Sep 2013)

2013 Moderator. "Initiating an Ultrasound Curriculum From A to Z. Presented at World
Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education, Peers within Field. Columbia Metropolitan
Convention Center, Columbia, South Carolina, United States. (Sep 2013)

2014 Point of Care Ultrasound in Medical School Education. Plenary talk at the World Congress of
Ultrasound in Medical Education. Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland Oregon.

2014 Controversy Session: Point of Care Ultrasound: Is there an owner or do we all just rent?
Radiology Society of North America (RSNA). Chicago Illinois. Co presenter Brian Coley M.D. Moderator William Shiels M.D.

2015 Undergraduate Medical Education: Novel Approaches to Teaching Sonography to Medical Students- AIUM/WFUMB Conference, Orlando Florida 3/22/2015

2015 Milestones for Evaluating Skill Progression. WINFOCUS, October 22, 2015. Joseph B. Martin Conference Center. Harvard Medical School. Boston, Massachusetts

2015 Integrating ultrasound into medical education. SAEM Annual Conference, San Diego California. 5/14/2015

2015 Milestones in Undergraduate Ultrasound medical education, 2nd annual Medical Education Forum. University California Irvine, June 1, 2015

2015 Developing Faculty -Medical Student Standards: Consensus on What & How to Teach. WINFOCUS, October 22, 2015. Joseph B. Martin Conference Center. Harvard Medical School. Boston, Massachusetts

2015 Integrating a multidisciplinary approach to ultrasound in the fourth year of medical school.
2nd annual Medical Education Forum. University California Irvine, June 1, 2015.

2015 Ultrasound in Medical Education: Keynote Address at Gamechanger Ultrasound Course. Metrohealth. November 17th, 2015. Cleveland, Ohio.

2015 Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine. Invited speaker to Fujifilm/Sonosite. Bothell Washington. November 20, 2015

2016 Ultrasound in Medical Education. Luminary speaker AIUM Ultrasound in Medical Education moderated session at 2016 AIUM annual conference 3/20/2016 New York, New York.

2016 AEUS Didactic Sessions. Sonophobe to Sonophile—Inspiring Ultrasound Use Among Late Adopters and Occasional Users. Do you have trouble getting motivated to use ultrasound? Having issues with resident and faculty sono>apathy? This moderated panel session will interactively explore some of the barriers and challenges to regular use of clinical ultrasound and offer tips and tricks to increasing compliance! Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting May 10-13, 2016 in New Orleans, LA.

2016 SONOGAMES® V. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting May 10-13, 2016 in New Orleans, LA.

2016 Sonophobe to Sonophile—Inspiring Ultrasound Use Among Late Adopters and Occasional, AEUS presentation panel. SAEM Annual Meeting May 10-13, 2016, New Orleans, US.

2016 WINFOCUS: Integrated Thyroid Ultrasound Education for Second Year Medical Students. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Internal Medicine clerkship with ultrasound: Integrating Cardiac Ultrasound Training into Undergraduate Medical Education. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Novel Water Bath Method for Ultrasound Imaging of Distal Extremities. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Tiered Longitudinal Ultrasound Curriculum for Undergraduate Medical Education. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 Workshop—Introduction to Ultrasound for Teaching Anatomy and Physiology with Physics & Knobology. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Implementation of a USIG research initiative to improve productivity of student involvement in research. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Beginner Ultrasound, an innovative one year introducing course for medical students. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Intermediate Ultrasound: Going beyond the basics of ultrasound in medical student education. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Ultrasound Interest Group (USIG) Communication Strategies at Ohio State University. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Advanced Competency in Bedside Ultrasound for Medical Students. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 Plenary Panel: Third President of AIUM, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. . Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 Plenary Lecture: Ultrasound in Graduate Medical Education. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 Panel Discussion: Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education.. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 Panel Discussion: Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: PULSE: An Objective Programmatic Ultrasound Metric Tool. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2016 WINFOCUS: Point of Care Ultrasound in General Surgery Residency Training: A Proposal for Milestones in Graduate Medical Education Ultrasound. Fourth Annual World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education in September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas.

2017 SonoSlam (T1) A. Adkins, C. Arand, C. Pawar (T2) S. King, C. McCombs, J. Yu, March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 Educational Tool for Ultrasound Education: Gaming in Medical Education. Boulger C and Bahner DP. March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 Current Trends in Ultrasound Integration Introducing Ultrasound as a Complex Psychomotor Skill. Bahner DP. March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 AUIM Convention Student Track Day 1: Hands-on Introduction to Ultrasound Knobology, FAST, Renal Genitourinary, Head and Neck. Goodman Z, Davis J, and Bahner DP. March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 AUIM Convention Student Track Day 1: Establishing an Ultrasound Curriculum: Ideas for Each Year of Medical School. March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 Panel Discussion About Sono Slam. Boulger C and Bahner DP. March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 Cardiac, Hands-on: Aortic, Inferior Vena Cava and Thoracic Ultrasound. Gold D, Sanchez, Adams Z and Bahner DP. March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 Novel Ultrasound Imaging Method for Distal Upper ExtremitiesThe Lateral Approach to Water Baths. Cotton J, Prats M, Bahner DP. March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 Ultrasound in Social Media, Recording, Broadcasting and Tweeting Ultrasound Events. Prats M and Bahner DP. March. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 Research Abstracts Presentation: Ultrasound In Medical Education Infrastructure of The Ohio State University Ultrasound Interest Group to Promote Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education. Cindy Chang, Bahner BP and Boulger, et al. . American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

2017 Research Abstracts Presentation: Research Abstracts: Ultrasound In Medical Education Evaluation of Ultrasound Communities of Practice with a Milestone Concept. Hatch S, Bahner BP, Boulger C, et al. . American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention #aium17. Lake Buena Vista, FL


Prats, Michael; Nelson, Bret; Gold, Delia; Branditz, Lauren; Boulger, Creagh; Bahner, David, CLEAR: A Novel Approach to Ultrasound Equipment Homeostasis", Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2108

Boulger, C. , Liu, R. B., De Portu, G. , Theyyunni, N. , Lewis, M. , Lewiss, R. E., Soucy, Z. P., Am Dinh, V. , Chiem, A. , Singhal, S. , Di Salvo, D. , Pellerito, J. S. and Bahner, D. , A National Point‐of‐Care Ultrasound Competition for Medical Students. J Ultrasound Med. 2018

Prats MI, Bahner DP, Panchal AR, King AM, Way DP, Lin S, Fox JC, Boulger CT, Documenting the Growth of Ultrasound Research in Emergency Medicine Through a Bibliometric Analysis of Accepted Academic Conference Abstracts. J. Ultrasound Med 2018

Boulger CT, Yang B. Hemorrhage Control: Advances in Trauma Care. Trauma Reports. March/April 2018 Volume 19 No.

Strimple PD, Tomassoni AJ, Otten EJ, Bahner DP: Report on envenomation by a Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) with a discussion of venom apparatus, clinical findings, and treatment. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 1997; 8:111-116.

Bahner DP, Yeager S, Werman H: Ultrasound image quality in the out-of-hospital environment. Academic Emergency Medicine 2001; 8(5):568.

3. Bahner DP: Trinity: A Hypotensive Ultrasound Protocol. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2002; 18(4):193-198.

4. Bahner DP: Life and death in the ED. Emergency Physicians’ Monthly 2002; 9(5):15, 31.

5. Bahner DP, Hoekstra J: Evidence-based learning for the twenty first century medical student. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2002; 9(10):1059.

6. Lashukta MK, Bahner DP , Werman H: Adult pelvic fractures. Emergency Medicine Reports Trauma Reports. 2002; 3.4 (July-August) p1 (11).

7. Bahner DP, Bradley JA, Rund DA: Acute frontal sinus fracture: An innovative use of sonography. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 2002; 18(5):325-327.

8. Bahner DP, Miller CM, Moran K, Yeager S, Werman H: Prehospital ultrasonography training: A five-month pilot study. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003; 40(4):261 p.73.

9. Bahner DP: The emergent hypotensive patient Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 2003; 29(5): S39.

10. Greenbaum LD, Benson CB, Nelson LH 3rd, Bahner DP, Spitz JL, Platt LD: Proceedings of the compact ultrasound conference sponsored by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. J Ultrasound Med. 2004; 23(10):1249-54.

11. Bahner DP, Limperos RJ, Rund DA: Ultrasound educational competency hierarchical outcomes: A report on the novice ultrasound user, the first year medical student. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2005; 46(3) S22.

12. White P, Bahner DP, Fishman A, Glinski J, Khandelwal S: The effect of information delivery on patient satisfaction in the emergency department. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2005; 46(3):120-121.

13. Bahner DP: Emergency ultrasound: trauma ultrasound reports. Emerg Med Reports. 2005; 26(23): 281-291.

14. Bahner DP, Limperos RJ: Ultrasound educational competency hierarchical outcomes: A report on the novice ultrasound user, the first year medical student. Ultrasound in Medicine. 2006; 32(5):270.

15. Bahner DP, Orlousky SR, Orlousky: Creation and validation of the standardized test of reported stress. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2006; 48(4):125.

16. Kaide CG, Williams S, Bahner DP, Rund DA: Pulmonary embolism. Emergency Medicine, July 2008.

17. OPUS 12 Scientist 2008 Vol. 2, No. 4 S. P. Stawicki et al Postmortem use of advanced imaging techniques: Is autopsy going digital? S. Peter Stawicki, MD, Anil Aggrawal, MD, Anthony J. Dean, MD, David P. Bahner, MD, Steven M. Steinberg, MD, Christy D. Stehly, BS , Brian A. Hoey, MD.

18. Santin BJ, Bahner DP, Satiani B: Retrospective analysis of the clinical effects to ultrasound screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms: The R.A.C.E. to SAAVE study. Journal of Vascular Ultrasound. 2008;32(2):75-78.

19. Bahner DP, Blaivas M, Cohen H:, et al. AIUM practice guideline for the performance of the Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) examination. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. Feb 2008; 27(2): 313-318.

20. Way D, DePhilip R, Ziegler A, Sandquist M, Bahner DP, O’Rourke K: Integration of sonography into the medical school anatomy curriculum. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2010;17(5), Supp1. www.aemj.org.

21. Bahner DP, King RG: Bedside ultrasonography, joint assessment. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated August 19, 2010. Available at http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1380545-overview.

22. Cortez EJ, Bahner DP. Interesting clinical image: Native valve infective endocarditis. OPUS 12 Scientist 2010; 3(2): 22-23.

23. Adkins EJ, Kube E, Evans D, Nunley DR, Bahner DP: ICU Ultrasound Rounds in Academic Medical Center: Chest. October 2010; 205A.

24. Stanislaw Peter Stawicki, James M Howard, John P Pryor, David P Bahner, Melissa L Whitmill, Anthony J Dean: Portable ultrasonography in mass casualty incidents: The CAVEAT examination. World J Orthop, 2010 November 18; 1(1):10-19.

25. Kman NE, Bernard AW, Martin DR, Bahner D, Gorgas D, Nagel R, Khandelwal S. Advanced topics in emergency medicine: curriculum development and initial evaluation. West J Emerg Med. 2011 Nov;12(4):543-50.

26. Royall NA, Farrin E, Bahner DP, Stawicki SPA: Ultrasound-assisted musculoskeletal procedures: A practical overview of current literature. World J Orthop July 2011.

27. McDaniel E, Stawicki SP, Bahner DP: Blunt traumatic abdominal wall disruption with evisceration.
Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci (serial online) September 2011.

28. Jillian Schwaab, MD, Nicholas Kman, MD, Rollin Nagel, PhD, David Bahner, MD, Daniel R. Martin, MD, Sorabh Khandelwal MD, John Vozenilek, MD, Douglas R. Danforth, PhD,. Richard Nelson, MD. Using second life virtual simulation environment for mock oral emergency medicine examination. Academic Emergency Medicine 2011; 18:559–562.

29. Madore F, Kube E, Stanislaw P, Stawicki A, Bahner DP. Brief Report: Utility of hand held portable ultrasound in a rural Guatemalan hospital. OPUS 12 Scientist 2011; 5(1): 1-3.

30. Bahner DP, Hughes, D. Royall N: I-AIM: A novel model for teaching and performing focused ultrasound. J Ultrasound Med. 2012 Feb; 31(2):295-300.

31. Bahner DP, Royall N, Adkins EA: Brightness Mode Quality Ultrasound Imaging Examination Technique (B-QUIET) Quantifying Quality in Ultrasound Imaging Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2011; 30(12) 1649-1655.

32. Dubosh NM, Kman N, Bahner DP. Ultrasound interest group: a novel method of expanding ultrasound education in medical school. Crit Ultrasound J: 3(3) Nov 2011; 131-134.

33. Jacques AP, Adkins EJ, Knepel S, Boulger C, Miller J, Bahner DP Educating the delivery of bad news in medicine: Preceptorship versus simulation. International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science 2011: July-Dec. 1(2): 121-124.

34. Jeppesen KM, Bahner DP: Teaching bedside sonography using peer mentoring. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. Mar 2012; 31(3); 455-459.

35. Bahner, David, P; Adkins, Eric; Patel, Nilesh; et al. "How we use social media to supplement a novel curriculum in medical education." Medical teacher. Vol. 34, no. 6. (Mar 2012): 439-444.

36. Erika Kube, Stanislaw Stawicki, David Bahner. "Ultrasound in the diagnosis of Fournier's gangrene." International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science. Vol. 2, no. 2. (May 2012): 104-106.

37. Bahner, David P, Royall, Nelson. "Advanced Ultrasound Training for 4th Year Medical Students: A Novel Training Program at the Ohio State University College of Medicine." Academic Medicine. Vol. 88, no. 2. (Feb 2013): 1-7.

38. Bahner, David P; Evans, David C; Lindsey, David E; Stawicki, S. "What's New in Critical Illness and Injury Science? The challenge of verifying tracheal airway placement: Solving the puzzle one piece at a time." International journal of critical illness and injury science. Vol. 3, no. 2. (Apr 2013): 105-107.

39. Kent A, Bahner DP, Boulger CT, Eiferman DS, Adkins EJ, Evans DC, Springer AN, Balakrishnan
JM, Valiyaveedan S, Galwankar S, Njoku C, Lindsey DE, Yeager S, Roelant GJ, Stawicki SP. "Sonographic evaluation of intravascular volume status in the surgical intensive care unit: a prospective comparison of subclavian vein and inferior vena cava collapsibility index." J Surg Res. Vol. 1, (Jun 2013): 1-4.

40. Bahner, DP. Adkins EJ. Hughes, D. Barrie, M. Boulger, C. Royall, N. "Integrated medical school
ultrasound curricula." Critical Ultrasound Journal. Vol. 5, no. 6. (Jul 2013): 1-9.

41. Bahner DP, Royall NA. "In Reply." Academic Medicine. Vol. 88, no. 9. (Sep 2013): 1198.

42. Dreher, SM, Dephilip R, Bahner D. "Ultrasound Exposure During Gross Anatomy." Journal of Emergency Medicine. Vol. 46, no. 2. (Feb 2014): 231-240.

43. Minaleev RS, Bogdanov AR, Bogdanov RR, Bahner DP, Marik PE. "Hemodynamic Observations of Tumo Yoga Practitioners." Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Vol. 1, (Oct 2013): epub ahead of print.

44. J. Matthew Blickendorf, Eric J. Adkins, Creagh Boulger, David P. Bahner. "Trained Simulated Ultrasound Patients: Medical Students as Models, Learners, and Teachers." Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. Vol. 33, (Jan 2014): 35-38.

45. Stawicki SP, Adkins EJ, Eiferman DS, Evans DC, Ali NA, Njoku C, Lindsey DE, Cook CH, Balakrishnan JM, Valiaveedan S, Galwankar SC, Boulger CT, Springer AN, Bahner DP. "Prospective evaluation of intravascular volume status in critically ill patients: Does inferior vena cava collapsibility correlate with central venous pressure?" J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Vol. 4, (Apr 2014): 956-964.

46. Swaroop M, Galwankar SC, Stawicki SP, Balakrishnan JM, Worlton T, Tripathi RS, Bahner DP, Bhoi S, Kaide C, Papadimos TJ The 9th annual INDUS-EM 2013 Emergency Medicine Summit, "Principles, Practices, and Patients," a level one international meeting, Kerala University of Health Sciences and Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India, October 23-27, 2013. Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2014 May 6;9:8.

47. Adkins EJ, Bahner DP. Ultrasound witnessed Cardiac Arrest in the ICU. Journal of Emergency Trauma and Shock. 2014 Oct, 7(4): 341-2.

48. Cohen HL, Langer J, McGahan JP, Bahner D, Blaivas M, Fox J, Geria RN, Hoffenberg S, Kendall J, Raio C, Sierzenski P, Tayal VS, Wax J, Pellerito J, Bromley B, Fulgham P, Henningsen C, Levitov A, Noble V, Odibo A, Paushter D, Pretorius D, Sakhel K, Salem S, Smith J, Woodward P. AIUM practice guideline for the performance of the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) examination. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine; American College of Emergency Physicians. J Ultrasound Med. 2014 Nov;33(11):2047-56

AIUM practice guideline for the performance of the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) examination. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine; American College of Emergency Physicians. J ltrasound Med. 2014 Nov;33(11):2047-56. doi: 10.7863/ultra.33.11.2047

Bahner DP, Goldman E, Way D, Royall NA, Liu YT. The State of Ultrasound Education US Medical Schools: Result of a National Survey. Academic Medicine 2014 Dec;89(12): 161-166.

Cortez EJ, Boulger CT, Eastin T, Adkins EJ, Granitto E, Pollard K, Bahner DP. The Ultrasound Challenge 2.0: Introducing interinstitional competition in medical student ultrasound education. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2014 Dec 33(12): 2193-6.

Amini R, Panchal AR, Bahner D, Adhikari S. Half-dose alteplase for sub-massive pulmonary embolism directed by emergency department point-of-care ultrasound. West J Emerg Med. 2015 Jan;16(1):181-3. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2014.12.24130. Epub 2015 Jan 12.

Kent A, Patil P, Davila V, Bailey JK, Jones C, Evans DC, Boulger CT, Adkins E, Balakrishnan JM, Valiyaveedan S, Galwankar SC, Bahner DP, Stawicki SP. Sonographic evaluation of intravascular volume status: Can internal jugular or femoral vein collapsibility be used in the absence of IVC visualization? Ann Thorac Med. 2015 Jan-Mar;10(1):44-9.

McGrath J, Kman N, Danforth D, Bahner DP, Khandelwal S, Martin DR, Nagel R, Verbeck N, Way DP, Nelson R. Virtual alternative to the oral examination for emergency medicine residents. West J Emerg Med. 2015 Mar;16(2):336-43. Epub 2015 Feb 25

Gorgas DL, Greenberger S, Bahner DP, Way DP. Teaching Emotional Intelligence: A Control Group Study of a Brief Educational Intervention for Emergency Medicine Residents. West J Emerg Med. 2015 Nov;16(6):899-906.

Stawicki SP, Kent A, Patil P, Jones C, Stoltzfus JC, Vira A, Kelly N, Springer AN, Vazquez D, Evans DC, Papadimos TJ, Bahner DP. Dynamic behavior of venous collapsibility and central venous pressure during standardized crystalloid bolus: A prospective, observational, pilot study. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2015 Apr-Jun;5(2):80-4.

Stawicki SP, Bahner DP. Modern sonology and the bedside practitioner: evolution of ultrasound from curious novelty to essential clinical tool. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2015 Oct;41(5):457-60.

Montoya J, Stawicki SP, Evans DC, Bahner DP, Sparks S, Sharpe RP, Cipolla J. From FAST to E-FAST: an overview of the evolution of ultrasound-based traumatic injury assessment. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2015 Mar 14.

Kelly N, Esteve R, Papadimos TJ, Sharpe RP, Keeney SA, Dequevado R, Portner M, BahnerDP, Stawicki SP. Clinician-performed ultrasound in hemodynamic and cardiac assessment: A synopsis of current indications and limitations. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2015 5 Oct;41(5):469-80. doi: 10.1007/s00068-014-0492-6. Epub 2015 Jan 8.

Lane N, Lahham S, Joseph L, Bahner DP, Fox JC. Ultrasound in medical education: listening to the echoes of the past to shape a vision for the future. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2015 Oct;41(5):461-7.

Gorgas DL, Greenberger S, Bahner DP, Way D. Teaching Emotional Intelligence: A Control Group Study of a Brief Educational Intervention for Emergency Medicine Residents. West J Emerg Med. 2015 Nov;16(6):899-906.

Siddiqui IJ, Luz J, Borg-Stein J, O'Connor K, Bockbrader M, Rainey H, Way D, Colachis S, Bahner DP, Kohler MJ. The Current State of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Education in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency Programs. PM R. 2015 Dec 12. pii: S1934-1482(15)01171-5.

Bahner DP, Blickendorf JM, Bockbrader M, Adkins E, Vira A, Boulger C, Panchal AR. Language of Transducer Manipulation: Codifying Terms for Effective Teaching. J Ultrasound Med. 2016 Jan;35(1):183-8.

Dinh VA, Lakoff D, Hess J, Bahner DP, Hoppmann R, Blaivas M, Pellerito JS, Abuhamad A, Khandelwal S. Medical Student Core Clinical Ultrasound Milestones: A Consensus Among Directors in the United States. J Ultrasound Med. 2016 Feb;35(2):421-34.

Montoya J1, Stawicki SP, Evans DC, Bahner DP, Sparks S, Sharpe RP, Cipolla J. From FAST to E-FAST: an overview of the evolution of ultrasound-based traumatic injury assessment. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2015 Mar 14.

Prats, MI, Royall NA, Panchal AR, Bahner DP. Outcomes of an Advanced Ultrasound Elective: Preparing Medical Students for Residency Practice. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2016. May; 35(5)975-982.

Thompson L, Exline M, Leung CG, Way DP, Clinchot D, Bahner DP, Khandelwal S. A clinical procedures curriculum for undergraduate medical students: the eight year history of a third year immersive experience. Medical Education Onlin. 2016 May 23:21:29488

Finnerty N, Panchal AR, Boulger C, Vira, A, Bischof J, Amick C, Way D, Bahner D. Inferior Vena Cava Measurement With Ultrasound: What is The Best View and Best Mode? Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. (Accepted- Dec 12, 2016).

Stawicki SP, Papadimos TJ, Bahner DP, Evans DC, Jones C. Correlations between pulmonary artery pressures and inferior vena cava collapsibility in critically ill surgical patients: An exploratory study. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2016 Oct-Dec;6(4):194-199. doi: 10.4103/2229-5151.195449.

Boulger C, Adams DZ, Hughes D, Bahner DP, King A. Longitudinal Ultrasound Education Track Curriculum Implemented Within an Emergency Medicine Residency Program. J Ultrasound Med. 2017 Feb 6. doi: 10.7863/ultra.16.08005.

Bahner DP, Blickendorf JM, Bockbrader M, Adkins E, Vira A, Boulger C, Panchal AR. Language of transducer manipulation: Codifying terms for effective teaching. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2016;35:183-188. doi:10.7863/ultra.15.02036.

Siddiqui IJ, Luz J, Borg-Stein J, O'Connor K, Bockbrader M, Rainey H, Way DP, Colachis S, Bahner DP, Kohler MJ. The current state of musculoskeletal ultrasound education in physical medicine and rehabilitation residency programs. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal. 2016;8(7):660-666. PMID: doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2015.11.010.

leung L, Exline M, Leung CG, Way DP, Clinchot D, Bahner DP, Khandelwal S. A clinical procedures curriculum for undergraduate medical students: the eight-year history of a third-year immersive experience. Medical Education Online. 2016;21. Article ID: 29486. doi: 10.3402/meo.v21.29486.

Dinh VA, Lakoff D, Hess J, Bahner DP, Hoppmann R, Blaivas M, Pellerito JS, Abuhamad A, Khandelwal S. Medical Student Core Clinical Ultrasound Milestones: A Consensus Among Directors in the United States. J Ultrasound Med. 2016;35(2):421-34.

King A, Tyransky A, Coffman A, Greenberger S, Panchal A, Bahner DP, Khandelwal S, Boulger C. A Formalized Three-Year Emergency Medicine Residency Ultrasound Education Curriculum. Journal of Education and Training in Emergency Medicine 2016;1(2).

Gold DL, Marin JR, Haritos D, Skaugset M, Kline J, Stanley RM, Bahner DP. A Proposed Milestone for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Point-of-Care Ultrasound Competency. Abstracts from the proceedings of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine’s 2016 Annual Meeting. Academic Emergency Medicine 2016;23(S1):S197. doi: 10.1111/acem.12974.

Walrod B, Schroeder A, Conroy MJ, Boucher L, Bockbrader M, Way DP, Bahner DP. Does ultrasound-enhanced instruction of musculoskeletal anatomy improve physical examination skills of first-year medical students? Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. (In press).