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Baylor College of Medicine / Texas Children's Hospital (Pediatric Ultrasound)

Fellowship Program

Length of Fellowship



PGY salary + moonlighting opportunities. PGY-7 salary for PEM fellowship graduate or PGY-4 salary if pediatric residency or emergency residency graduate.

Additional Funds

Travel stipend for ultrasound conference

Number of Clinical Hours

8 ultrasound scanning shifts and 3 attending clinical shifts per month.

Other Duties

Research project, present a PEM fellows conference lecture on a POCUS topic

Number of Sites

Texas Children's Hospital Main Campus, Texas Children's Hospital West Campus, Texas Children's Hospital Woodlands Campus, Ben Taub General Hospital

Number of Positions Per Year


Additional Opportunities

Educational Experience

Our unique POCUS fellowship educational experience encourages teaching by POCUS fellowship trained PEM faculty. POCUS fellows have ultrasound shifts with ultrasound faculty on dedicated scanning shifts to provide individualized teaching. In addition, POCUS fellows receive research mentorship through our Advisory Committee on Excellence in Research to successfully develop and execute research ideas.

Image Review

POCUS image review sessions occur weekly during ultrasound conference.

Deadline for Fellowship Application

Rolling applications accepted.

Fellows Chosen

NRMP Match Day on October 30, 2024 with rolling acceptance afterwards as available.