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Baylor College of Medicine / Texas Children's Hospital (Pediatric Ultrasound)

Site Qualification Requirements

1) Is the ultrasound machine used for fellowship training fully owned by the Emergency Department?


2) Is the ultrasound machine used for fellowship training available 24 hours/7 days/week?


3) Does the ultrasound machine used for fellowship training have the necessary transducers to perform cardiac, transabdominal, endovaginal and superficial examinations?

Yes - No endocavitary probe on machines in emergency center, but yes on educational machine for use on US model.

4) Is hospital credentialing for emergency ultrasound (EUS) available?


5) Do formal diagnostic EUS reports appear as a part of the patient medical record?

Yes - Clinical POCUS exams are a part of the patient medical record. Our workflow involves synchronizing EPIC, Qpath, and PACS.

6) Does at least one other emergency medicine faculty member (aside from the fellowship director) have hospital credentials for emergency ultrasound at the primary facility for all of the applications listed?


7) Is quality assurance (QA) review documented for all ultrasound examinations performed by the emergency ultrasound fellow(s)?


8) Does the ED ultrasound director maintain a quality assurance log of all ultrasound examinations performed in the ED?


9) Are the types of EUS examinations at minimum consistent with those described in the most recent ACEP ultrasound guidelines?


10) Is the EUS faculty primarily responsible for EUS fellow education, with education outside the department kept to a minimum and only supplemental to fellow education?


11) Does the emergency ultrasound fellow work less than or equal to 20 clinical (direct patient care) hours/week?

Yes - 20 clinical hours per month.

12) Is the EUS fellow a full-time equivalent faculty member at your institution?


13) Is the EUS fellowship a minimum of 12 months?


14) Does the EUS fellow perform a minimum of 5 scanning shifts/month, with direct supervision during scanning shifts especially early in the fellowship?


15) Does a formal fellowship evaluation process exist with at least 3 meetings and an opportunity for the fellow and fellowship director to meet during the fellowship's course?
