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Kennedy KR, Salinas P, Tyler M, Lambert MJ, Rosenberg JA, Eberle ML, Glowacki N, Dodd KW, Burns KM. An observational analysis of the use of resuscitative transesophageal echocardiography in the emergency department and intensive care unit. Conference proceedings: Select abstracts presented at 2023 Advocate Aurora Scientific Day. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2023;10:255-77. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.2070

Teran F, Peng Y, Owyang CG, Wray TC, Hipskind JE, Lessard J, Bédard Michel W, Lanthier C, Nazerian P, de Villa E, Nogueira J, Doynow D, Clinton M, Myslik F, Prager R, Arntfield R, Salinas PD, Dieiev V, Woo MY, Thavanathan R, Puskas G, Singh K, Bhat P, Horn J, Buchanan BM, Baig N, Burns K, Kennedy K, Haines L, Naraghi L, Singh H, Secko M, Singer D, Taylor M, Joyce JM, DeMasi S, Jafry ZM, Phan T, Truong N, Robinson E, Haycock KH, Hansen A, Derr C, Andrus P, Razzak J, Palasz J, Kaviyarasu A, Sands NA, Lin M, Abella BS. Deep Learning Detection of Chest Compression Location Using Transesophageal Echocardiography. Circulation 2023 Nov;148,A349. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.349
Teran F, Owyang CG, Wray T, Hipskind J, Lessard J, Bédard Michel W, Lanthier C, Nazerian P, de Villa E, Nogueira J, Doynow D, Clinton M, Myslik F, Prager R, Arntfield R, Salinas PD, Dieiev V, Woo MY, Thavanathan R, Puskas G, Singh K, Bhat P, Horn J, Buchanan BM, Baig N, Burns K, Kennedy K, Haines L, Naraghi L, Singh H, Secko M, Singer D, Taylor M, Joyce JM, DeMasi S, Jafry ZM, Phan T, Truong N, Robinson E, Haycock KH, Hansen A, Derr C, Andrus P, Razzak J, Palasz J, Kaviyarasu A, Sands NA, Abella BS. Development and Implementation of a Multicenter Registry for Resuscitation-Focused Transesophageal Echocardiography. Circulation 2023 Nov;148,A273. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.273

Teran F, Sands N, Wray T, Hanna WA, Kraai E, White J, Venkataramani R, Hipskind JE, Nogueira J, Clinton M, Jones M, Rodriguez D, Nazerian P, de Villa E, Lessard J, Bédard Michel W, Lanthier C, Haines L, Naraghi L, Singh H, Likourezos A, Woo M, Pageau P, Thavanathan R, Secko M, Singer D, Buchanan BM, Baig N, Haycock K, Fargo R, Sutherland LD, Wanar H, Coleman J, Jafry ZM, Joyce JM, Hittson A, Taylor L, Vitto M, DeMasi S, Burns KM, Salinas PD, Tyler MD, Myslik F, Arntfield R, Vujcic B, Owyang C, Jelic T, Abella B. Left-ventricular Outflow Compression During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Is Associated With Lower Return Of Spontaneous Circulation In Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest. Circulation. 2022 Nov;146:A200 https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.146.suppl_1.200

Teran F, Sands N, Hipskind J, Sutherland L, Nazerian P, Jafry Z, Joyce J, Burns K, Myslik F, Owyang C, Abella B. Multicenter Prospective Evaluation of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients Using Transesophageal Echocardiography: A Preliminary Analysis from The Resuscitative TEE Collaborative Registry. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2022 Oct;80(4):S105 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2022.08.264

Burns KM, Holladay D, Chottiner M, Gore SR, Shah S, Gottlieb M. (2019). Impact of Endotracheal Tube Twisting on the Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasound for Intubation Confirmation. Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Oral presentation September 23, 2019. Selected as a top abstract and published as an abstract in WestJEM.

SAEM Regional Conference 2008 oral presentation "A Pelvic Ultrasound Simulator Enhances Resident High-Fidelity Simulation Experience And Improves Faculty Evaluation Ability" done with coauthors Jaime Thompson, Dan Girzadas Jr., and the the Simulation in U/S Research Group including Robert Harwood, Michael Lambert, Martha Villalba, Lamont Clay, Sudip Bose, Steve Delis, and Michael Antonis.

Le PC Lambert MJ Dorfman M, Treatment of Supratherapeutic INR in the Emergency Department in Patients on Coumadin. Presented at the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians Annual Meeting, May 2006 in Oak Brook, IL. (Oral presentation)

Epstein AS, Lambert MJ Dorfman M, Case Series On Coumadin Toxicity
With Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Presentation at the American College of Emergency Physicians 2004

Moore DS, Lambert MJ Images in medicine Measles Photo. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, May 29- June 1, 2003

Wong H, Moore C, Skrupky R, Fox JC, Lambert MJ: Combination of Emergency Physician Compression Ultrasonography and D-Dimer in the Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis, 10th Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, hosted by the AIUM, June 1-4, 2003, in Montreal Canada

Dawson BJ, Moore CL, Christos SC, Lambert MJ:  EPISODE: Emergency Physician Impact of Sonography on Dyspnea Evaluation. Presented at the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians Annual Meeting, May 2002 in Oak Brook, IL. (Oral presentation)

Sierzenski P., Keng G. MD, Blaivas M., Leasch P., Lambert MJ Does the presence or degree of hydronephrosis by ultrasound correlate with renal calculus size. Presentation at the American Academy of Emergency Medicine Mediterranean Conference, Stresa, Italy, August, 2001.

Fox JC., Lambert MJ.: Quality Assurance in Emergency screening Ultrasound Examinations: The Addition of Electronic Mail. Presentation at the American Academy of Emergency Medicine Mediterranean Conference, Stresa, Italy, August, 2001.

Lambert MJ., Sierzenski P., Fox JC.: Emergency Screening Ultrasound Examinations: Credentialing Physicians. Presentation at the American Academy of Emergency Medicine Mediterranean Conference, Stresa, Italy, August, 2001.

Fox JC., Lambert MJ.:Quality Assurance in Emergency screening Ultrasound Examinations: The Addition of Electronic Mail. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Atlanta, GA, May, 2001. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2001; 8:5:A470.

Sierzenski P., Blaivas M., Laesch P.S., Keng G., Lambert MJ.: Does the Presence of Hydronephrosis on Emergency Department Ultrasounds Predict the Presence of Renal Calculi? Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Atlanta, GA, May, 2001. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2001; 8:5:A084.

Fox JC., Lambert M.J Ultrasound Credentialing in EM: an Overview Fourth Annual SAEM Western Regional Research Forum. March 17-18, 2001, at the Hyatt Newporter, in Newport Beach.

Blaivas M., Lambert MJ.: Incidence of Pericardial Effusion in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Unexplained Dyspnea. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, San Francisco, CA, May, 2000. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2000; 7:5:A199.

Sierzenski P., Blaivas M., Belden M., Nielsen T., Wood J.P., Lambert MJ.: Digital Compression of the Spermatic Cord to Simulate Testicular Torsion on Ultrasound: A Teaching Model for Emergency Physicians. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, San Francisco, CA, May, 2000. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2000; 7:5:A203.

Blaivas M., Harwood R., Wood J., Konicki J., Lambert MJ.: Lower Extremity Doppler for Deep Venous Thrombosis- Can Emergency Physicians Be Accurate and Fast? Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Boston, MA, May, 1999. Academic Emergency Medicine, 1999; 6:5:A403.

Blaivas M., Harwood R., Lambert MJ.: Decreasing Length of Stay with Emergency Ultrasound of the Gallbladder. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Boston, MA, May, 1999. Academic Emergency Medicine, 1999; 6:5:A515.


Dieiev V, Rupska, D, Salinas P, Tyler M, Chacko R, Stancati J, Rosenberg J, Kennedy K, Burns K. A prospective observational analysis of the use of transesophageal lung ultrasound during resuscitative transesophageal echocardiography. Poster presentation at Advocate Aurora Scientific Day; May 22, 2024; Milwaukee, WI.

Rupska D, Dieiev V, Salinas P, Tyler M, Chacko R, Stancati J, Rosenberg J, Kennedy K, Burns K. A prospective observational analysis of the use of transesophageal lung ultrasound during resuscitative transesophageal echocardiography. Oral presentation at Advocate Christ Medical Center Research Day; May 8, 2024; Oak Lawn IL.

Shaikh S, Burns KM. An Eye for an Eye. Poster presented at: American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly on April 30, 2024, Austin, TX, USA

Teran F, Peng Y, Owyang CG, Wray TC, Hipskind JE, Lessard J, Bédard Michel W, Lanthier C, Nazerian P, de Villa E, Nogueira J, Doynow D, Clinton M, Myslik F, Prager R, Arntfield R, Salinas PD, Dieiev V, Woo MY, Thavanathan R, Puskas G, Singh K, Bhat P, Horn J, Buchanan BM, Baig N, Burns K, Kennedy K, Haines L, Naraghi L, Singh H, Secko M, Singer D, Taylor M, Joyce JM, DeMasi S, Jafry ZM, Phan T, Truong N, Robinson E, Haycock KH, Hansen A, Derr C, Andrus P, Razzak J, Palasz J, Kaviyarasu A, Sands NA, Lin M, Abella BS. Deep Learning Detection of Chest Compression Location Using Transesophageal Echocardiography. Poster presentation at American Heart Association Resuscitation Science Symposium; November 12, 2023; Philadelphia, PA. Abstract 349.

Teran F, Owyang CG, Wray T, Hipskind J, Lessard J, Bédard Michel W, Lanthier C, Nazerian P, de Villa E, Nogueira J, Doynow D, Clinton M, Myslik F, Prager R, Arntfield R, Salinas PD, Dieiev V, Woo MY, Thavanathan R, Puskas G, Singh K, Bhat P, Horn J, Buchanan BM, Baig N, Burns K, Kennedy K, Haines L, Naraghi L, Singh H, Secko M, Singer D, Taylor M, Joyce JM, DeMasi S, Jafry ZM, Phan T, Truong N, Robinson E, Haycock KH, Hansen A, Derr C, Andrus P, Razzak J, Palasz J, Kaviyarasu A, Sands NA, Abella BS. Development and Implementation of a Multicenter Registry for Resuscitation-Focused Transesophageal Echocardiography. Poster presentation at American Heart Association Resuscitation Science Symposium; November 11, 2023; Philadelphia, PA. Abstract 273.

Burns KM, Kennedy KR, Salinas P, Tyler M, Lambert MJ, Rosenberg JA, Eberle ML, Glowacki N, Dodd KW. A prospective observational analysis of the use of resuscitative transesophageal echocardiography in the emergency department and intensive care unit. Oral presentation at European Society of Emergency Medicine Congress; September 18, 2023; Barcelona, Spain.

Vuong C, Dodd K, Lambert MJ, Eberle ML, Ndiaye M, Burns KM. Transesophageal Echocardiography Utilization Patterns and Safety in a High Acuity Emergency Department. Accepted for oral abstract presentation at Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Conference; May 16-19, 2023, Austin, TX, USA

Vuong CL, Burns KM. Guess the Cause of this Cardiac Arrest. Accepted for poster presentation at: American Academy of Emergency Medicine Photo Competition on April 24, 2023, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Kennedy KR, Salinas P, Tyler M, Lambert MJ, Rosenberg JA, Eberle ML, Glowacki N, Dodd KW, Burns KM. An observational analysis of the use of resuscitative transesophageal echocardiography in the emergency department and intensive care unit. Accepted for poster presentation at: American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly 2023 on April 24, 2023, New Orleans, LA, USA; Illinois College of Emergency Physicians Ginny Kennedy Palys Annual Symposium on May 25, 2023, Chicago, IL.

Rosenberg JA, Lucas A, Burns KM, Kondaveeti R, Reed A, Tyler MD. POCUS to Make The Diagnosis--The Right Way. Poster presentation at: American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly 2023 on April 24, 2023, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Eberle ML, Dodd KW, Kishi P, Hurley MM, Lambert MJ, Burns KM. Utilization Patterns Following Implementation of an Emergency Department Based Transesophageal Echocardiography Program. ICEP Spring Symposium, Chicago, IL, May 19, 2022.

Hurley MM, Tyler MD. VExUS Guided Resuscitation. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, Baltimore, MD; April 2022.

Kishi P, Eberle ML, Sangarappillai A, Burns KM, Lambert M. Point-of-Care-Ultrasound a Useful Tool in Diagnosing Large Bowel Obstruction. ePoster exhibition at European Society of Emergency Medicine Conference; October 2021. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, Baltimore, MD; April 2022.

Kishi P, Cirone M, Glowacki N, Lambert M, Burns KM. Comparing Pulmonary Ultrasound Findings When Viewing Lung Pleura Beneath Costal Cartilage Compared to Costal Bones. Poster exhibition at Illinois College of Emergency Physicians (ICEP) Spring Symposium, Chicago, IL; May 2020. ePoster exhibition at the European Society of Emergency Medicine Conference; Sept 2020

Gottlieb M, Burns KM, Holladay D, Chottiner M, Shah S, Gore SR. Impact of Endotracheal Tube Twisting on the Accuracy of Ultrasound for Intubation Confirmation. Selected for poster session at the American Academy of Emergency Medicine 2020 Scientific Assembly. Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Oral presentation September 23, 2019.

Goodfriend B, Robinson MD, Lovell EO, Burns KM. Use of POCUS in the Diagnosis of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection. Selected for poster display in the Photo Competition at the American Academy of Emergency Medicine 2020 Scientific Assembly

Burns KM. “Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma”. Oral presentation. American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly. Beginner Ultrasound Course, March 9, 2019.

Burns KM, Lalande E, Burwash-Brennan T, Atkinson P, Lambert MJ, Jarman R, Lamprecht H, Banerjee A, Woo MY and members of the Sonography in Hypotension and Cardiac Arrest (SHoC) investigators. Is point-of-care ultrasound a reliable predictor of outcome during atraumatic non-shockable cardiac arrest? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, Las Vegas, NV; March 2019. 2nd place Young Physicians Section research competition winner.

Papo G, Robinson M, Asokan S, Burns KM. Ultrasound identification of a multiple gestation pregnancy. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, Las Vegas, NV; March 2019.

Robinson M, Hart E, Asokan S, Burns KM. Intrauterine pregnancy in the setting of malpositioned IUD. Poster exhibition at European Society of Emergency Medicine Congress, Glasgow, Scotland; September 2018. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, Las Vegas, NV; March 2019.

Schmitz, B, Burns KM, Cruz C, Williamson MK. A Case of Rare Cause of DVT in the Young, Healthy Patient. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, San Diego, CA; April 2018. Poster exhibition at ACMC Research Day, Oak Lawn, IL; May 2018.

Chinwala H, Hart E, Burns KM, Asokan S, Lambert MJ. Ring of Fire: Cervical Ectopic Ultrasound Characteristics. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, San Diego, CA; April 2018. Poster exhibition at ACMC Research Day, Oak Lawn, IL; May 2018.

Andrews R, Vucelik A, Burns KM, Davis S, Robinson K. Complex Appendicitis: Integrating Clinical Data with Point-of-Care Ultrasound. Poster exhibition at Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Lisbon, Portugal; September 2017. Poster exhibition at European Society of Emergency Medicine Congress, Athens, Greece; September 2017.

Burns KM, Lambert ML, Asokan, S. Case Report: Ovarian Torsion Imitating Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy. Poster exhibition at Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Lisbon, Portugal; September 2017.

Hart E, Burns KM, Bernard K, Lambert MJ. Visualization of Catheter-Associated Deep Vein Thrombosis on Ultrasound. Poster exhibition at Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Lisbon, Portugal; September 2017.

Burns KM. Abdominal Pain: Ultrasound images of Small Bowel Obstruction. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, Orland, FL; March 2017.

Burns KM, Lam SHF, Lambert M. Ultrasound Assisted Lumbar Puncture in Pediatric Patients: Preliminary Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Poster exhibition at American Academy of Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly, Austin, TX; March 2015.

Wong H, Moore C, Skrupky R, Fox JC, Lambert MJ: Combination of Emergency Physician Compression Ultrasonography and D-Dimer in the Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis, 10th Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, hosted by the AIUM, June 1-4, 2003, in Montreal Canada

Dawson BJ, Moore CL, Christos SC, Lambert MJ:  EPISODE: Emergency Physician Impact of Sonography on Dyspnea Evaluation. Presented at the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians Annual Meeting, May 2002 in Oak Brook, IL. (Oral presentation)


Kishi P, Cirone M, Glowacki N, Lambert MJ, Burns KM. Comparing pulmonary ultrasound findings when viewing lung pleura beneath costal cartilage compared to costal bones, WFUMB Ultrasound Open (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wfumbo.2024.100041

Teran F, West FM, Jelic T, Taylor L, Jafry ZM, Burns KM, Owyang CG, Emt CC, Abella BS, Andrus P; On behalf ACEP Emergency Ultrasound Section and the Resuscitative TEE Collaborative Registry (rTEECoRe) Investigators. Resuscitative transesophageal echocardiography in emergency departments in the United States and Canada: A cross-sectional survey. Am J Emerg Med. 2024 Feb;76:164-172. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2023.11.041. Epub 2023 Nov 29. PMID: 38086182.

Hanna C, Gottlieb M, Burns K, Jelic T. Just the facts: transesophageal echocardiography in cardiac arrest. CJEM. 2023 Nov;25(11):862-864. doi: 10.1007/s43678-023-00557-4. Epub 2023 Jul 12. PMID: 37438562

Lalande E, Burwash-Brennan T, Burns KM, Harris T, Thomas S, Woo MY, Atkinson P; SHoC investigators. Is point-of-care ultrasound a reliable predictor of outcome during traumatic cardiac arrest? A systematic review and meta-analysis from the SHoC investigators. Resuscitation. Accepted for publication on August 6, 2021.

Teran F, Burns KM, Narasimhan M, Goffi A, Mohabir P, Horowitz JM, Yuriditsky E, Nagdev A, Panebianco N, Chin EJ, Gottlieb M, Koenig S, Arntfield R. Critical care transesophageal echocardiography in patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2020 Aug;33(8):1040-1047. PMID:32600742

Gottlieb M, Holladay D, Burns KM, Nakitende D, Bailitz J. Ultrasound for airway management: An evidence-based review for the emergency clinician. Am J Emerg Med. 2020 May;38(5):1007-1013. PMID: 31843325

Gottlieb M, Burns KM, Holladay D, Chottiner M, Shah S, Gore SR. Impact of endotracheal tube twisting on the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound for intubation confirmation. Am J Emerg Med. 2020 Jul;38(7):1332-1334. PMID: 31862192

Lalande E, Burwash-Brennan T, Burns K, Atkinson P, Lambert M, Jarman B, Lamprecht H, Banerjee A, Woo MY; SHoC investigators. Is point-of-care ultrasound a reliable predictor of outcome during atraumatic, non-shockable cardiac arrest? A systematic review and meta-analysis from the SHoC investigators. Resuscitation. 2019 June;139:159-166. PMID: 30974189

Gottlieb M, Holladay D, Burns K, Gore SR, Wulff C, Shah S, Bailitz J. Accuracy of ultrasound for endotracheal intubation between different transducer types. Am J Emerg Med. 2019 Dec;37(12):2182-2185 PMID: 30890289

Karis Tekwani, MD and Michael Lambert, MD. ED Diagnosis of an Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy Aided By Goal-Directed Bedside Ultrasound, accepted for publication in Academic Emergency Medicine, April, 2009

Emergency department diagnosis of pericardial tamponade aided by goal-directed bedside echocardiography. Tekwani KL, Girzadas DV, Lambert MJ.
Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Sep;15(9):872.

Hybrid Simulation Combining a High Fidelity Scenario with a Pelvic Ultrasound Task Trainer Enhances the Training and Evaluation of Endovaginal Ultrasound Skills
Academic Emergency Medicine April 2009 Daniel V. Girzadas Jr, Michael S. Antonis, Herb Zerth, Lambert MJ, Lamont Clay, Sudip Bose, Robert Harwood

Lambert MJ MD RDMS, Chad Harswick MD Ultrasound Guidance of Thrombolytic Therapy in Pulseless Electrical Activity: A Case Report CalJEM, Vol. VII, Number 1, 2006 Article 2

Lambert MJ, Fox JC, Chhiv NB: Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: Emergency Department Diagnosis by Limited Bedside Echocardiography. Topics in Emergency Medicine July/September 2004 Volume 26 Number 3 Pages 267 - 271

Lambert MJ, Villalba M: Gynecological ultrasound in emergency medicine. Emerg Med Clin N Am 22 (2004) 683-696

Moore CL, Gregg S, Lambert MJ. Performance, Training, Quality Assurance and Reimbursement of Emergency Physician Performed Ultrasound at Academic Medical Centers. J Ultrasound Med 23:459-466, 2004

Michael B. Heller, MD, Diku Mandavia, MD, Vivek S. Tayal, MD, Evelyn E. Cardenas, MD, Michael J. Lambert, MD, James Mateer, MD, Scott W. Melanson, MD, Nathan P. Peimann, MD, David W. Plummer, MD and Sarah A. Stahmer, MD: Residency Training in Emergency Ultrasound: Fulfilling the Mandate. Academic Emergency Medicine Volume 9, Number 8 835-839, 2002

Stock J, Lambert MJ. Illusive gunshot wound to the chest. J Emerg Med 2002; 22(2):209-210.
Blaivas M, Sierzenski P, Lambert MJ Emergency evaluation of patients presenting with acute scrotum using bedside ultrasonography. Acad Emerg Med 2001; 8(1):90-93.

Blaivas M, Graham S, Lambert MJ. Impending cardiac tamponade, an unseen danger? Am J Emerg Med 2000; 18(3):339-340.

Blaivas M, Sierzenski P, Plecque D, Lambert MJ Do emergency physicians save time when locating a live intrauterine pregnancy with bedside ultrasonography? Acad Emerg Med 2000; 7(9):988-993.

Blaivas M, Lambert MJ, Harwood RA, Wood JP, Konicki J. Lower-extremity Doppler for deep venous thrombosis--can emergency physicians be accurate and fast? Acad Emerg Med 2000; 7(2):120-126.

Blaivas M, Batts M, Lambert MJ. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of testicular torsion by emergency physicians. Am J Emerg Med 2000; 18(2):198-200.

Choi H, Blaivas M, Lambert MJ. Gestational outcome in patients with first-trimester pregnancy complications and ultrasound-confirmed live intrauterine pregnancy. Acad Emerg Med 2000; 7(2):200-203.

Blaivas M, Harwood RA, Lambert MJ. Decreasing length of stay with emergency ultrasound examination of the gallbladder. Acad Emerg Med 1999; 6(10):1020-1023.

Westfall MD, Price KR, Lambert MJ, Himmelman R, Kacey D, Dorevitch S et al. Intravenous access in the critically ill trauma patient: a multicentered, prospective, randomized trial of saphenous cutdown and percutaneous femoral access. Ann Emerg Med 1994; 23(3):541-545.

Lambert MJ, Fligner DJ. Avulsion of the iliac crest apophysis: a rare fracture in adolescent athletes. Ann Emerg Med 1993; 22(7):1218-1220.