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University of Arizona

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The ultimate guide to point-of-care ultrasound-guided procedures Adhikari S, Blaivas M (editors), Springer Publishing, New York, USA, 2019, 1st edition


1. Srikar Adhikari, Richard Calderon, Gerardo Chiricolo. Head and Neck Ultrasound, DVD, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2014.


Textbook Chapters

1. Adhikari S, Blaivas M. Ultrasound use: Three select applications. In Rowe B, Lang E, Brown M, Howry D, Newman D and Wyer P (editors) Evidence-based Emergency Medicine. Blackwell BMJ Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2008, 1st edition, 578-585.
2. Walker R, Adhikari S. Ocular emergencies. In Tintinalli J, Stapczynski S, Ma J, Cline D, Cydulka R and Meckler G (editors) Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, NY, 2010, 7th edition, 1517-1549.
3. Adhikari S, Zeger W. Ultrasound in pregnancy. In Reichman E (editor) Emergency Medicine Procedures. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, USA, 2013, 2nd edition, 869-883.
4. Adhikari S. Ultrasound guided vascular access. In Reichman E (editor) Emergency Medicine Procedures. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, USA, 2013, 2nd edition, 327-336.
5. Adhikari S. HEENT procedures. In Kendall J and Cosby K (editors) Practical Guide to Emergency Ultrasound. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2013, 2nd edition, 383-387.
6. Adhikari S. Head and Neck Infections. In Kendall J and Cosby K (editors) Practical Guide to Emergency Ultrasound. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2013, 2nd edition, 365-381.
7. Adhikari S. Acute hemiscrotal pain in an adolescent (testicular torsion). In McLario D and Kendall J (editors), Case Studies in Emergency Pediatric Emergency Critical Care and Ultrasound. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 2013, 1st edition, 151-154.
8. Adhikari S. Testicular Ultrasound. In Ma J, Reardon R and Joing S (editors) Emergency Ultrasound. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, USA, 2013, 3rd edition, 353-379.
9. Stolz L, Adhikari S. Point of care pelvic ultrasound. In Lumb P and Karakitsos D (editors) Critical Care Ultrasound. Elsevier publishers, New York, NY, 2014; 1st edition, 229-233.
10. Walker R, Adhikari S. Ocular emergencies. In Tintinalli, J, Stapczynski S, Ma J, Yealy D, Meckler G and Cline D (editors) Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, NY, 2015; 8th edition, 1543-1578.
11. Stolz L, Adhikari S. Paracentesis and Abscess drainage. In Brown, Blaivas, Hirshberg, Kasal and Pustavoitau (editors) Comprehensive Critical Care Ultrasound. Society of Critical Care Medicine, Mount Prospect, IL, 2015; 1st edition, 179-190.
12. Brown B, Adhikari S. Airway/Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Sonography. In Connolly J, Dean A, Hoffmann B, Jarman R (editors) Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound, 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell publishers, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2017; 2nd edition, 251.
13. Raio C, Adhikari S. Ultrasound Fellowship Programs. In Tayal, Blaivas, Foster (editors) Ultrasound Program Management. Springer Publishing, New York, USA, 2018, 1st edition, 103-113.
14. Adhikari S, Zeger W, Stolz L. Ultrasound in pregnancy. In Reichman E (editor) Emergency Medicine Procedures. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, USA, 2018, 3rd edition, 1347-1363.
15. Adhikari S, Zeger W, Stolz L. Ultrasound guided vascular access. In Reichman E (editor) Emergency Medicine Procedures. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, USA, 2018, 3rd edition, 541-558.
16. Walker R, Adhikari S. Ocular emergencies. In Tintinalli, J, Stapczynski S, Ma J, Yealy D, Meckler G and Cline D (editors) Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, NY, 2015; 9th edition.
17. Adhikari S, Blaivas M. Introduction. In Adhikari S, Blaivas M (editors) The Ultimate Guide to Point-of-Care Ultrasound-Guided Procedures. Springer Publishers, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019;1st edition, 1-3.
18. Burke B, Adhikari S. Ultrasound-Guided Vascular Procedures. In Adhikari S, Blaivas M (editors) The Ultimate Guide to Point-of-Care Ultrasound-Guided Procedures. Springer Publishers, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019;1st edition, 271-291.


Guest Editor-Journal

Michael Blaivas, Srikar Adhikari (editors). Emergency Ultrasound. Ultrasound clinics. 2014;9 (2):119–312.

Peer-Reviewed Electronic Publications

1. Srikar Adhikari. ENT Ultrasound applications. In Beatrice Hoffman (editor) Ultrasound Guide for Emergency Physicians. Electronic book, 2008. Website: www.sonoguide.com.
2. Srikar Adhikari. Ocular Ultrasound. In Beatrice Hoffman (editor) Ultrasound Guide for Emergency Physicians. Electronic book, 2008. Website:www.sonoguide.com.
3. Srikar Adhikari. Testicular Ultrasound. In Beatrice Hoffman (editor) Ultrasound Guide for Emergency Physicians. Electronic book, 2008. Website:www.sonoguide.com.
4. Adhikari S, Amini R. Ultrasound Guided Procedures. In Dawson & Mallin (editors) Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound, Apple iBook, 2013.
5. SCUF Board of Directors, Ultrasound, ACEP EMRA Fellowship guide, 2016.