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New York Presbyterian - Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital, Columbia University

Resident Education Experience

Average Number of US

Is there a dedicated US month?

PEM fellows have protected time every month for scan shifts with ultrasound faculty. Additional 2-week rotation with Adult Trauma and Emergency Ultrasound once a year.

EM residents have ultrasound rotations during intern year and US selectives during subsequent years. There is an available Ultrasound Academic Practice Track for interested EM residents.

PA fellows have ultrasound rotations.

Medical students can do ultrasound electives in the pediatric emergency department (1-2 medical students per month).

Is there an US elective?

2-week elective for interested EM and Pediatric residents.
4-week elective for medical students.

Number of Residents who went on to become US fellows

3 PEM fellows completed US Fellowship. Most PEM fellows are credentialed in basic POCUS applications upon graduation.

Number of hours Hands-on (i.e. scan shifts)

2-4 hours/month for PEM fellows

Number of hours Image Review

2 hours/month for PEM fellows

Number of hours didactics

Monthly lectures throughout the academic year
PEM Divisional ultrasound lectures 4-6 times per year

Other Information

PEM Fellows are actively involved in the Pediatric Emergency Ultrasound program and give divisional didactics/workshops throughout the academic year.