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Bahl, A, Shams, A. Computed Tomography has a Role in Diagnosing Right Heart Strain in Patients with Acute Pulmonary Embolism. Academic Emergency Medicine. 05/2018; 25(S1): 196; Abstract Number 545

Bahl, A, Kim, S, Patel, N, Thapar, K, Pandurangadu, AV. Isolated Proximal Greater Saphenous Vein Thrombosis and Risk of Venous Propagation. Academic Emergency Medicine. 05/2018; 25(S1): 87: Abstract Number 228

Pandurangadu A, Tucker J, Bahl A. Does the Longevity of an Intravenous Catheter Placed Under Ultrasound Guidance Correlate With the Quantity of Catheter That Resides Within the Vein?. Annals of Emergency Medicine . 10/2016

Bagan M, Bahl A. Comparison of Nurse-Performed Ultrasound-Guided versus Standard of Care Intravenous Access in Emergency Department Patients with Difficult Access.. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 10/2015; 66(4): S137-S138

Joseph S, Brackney A, Bahl A. A prospective review of survival rates of ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheters.. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine . 02/2014; 33: S88

Brackney A, Jung D, Afonso N, Bahl A. Utility of cardiac ultrasound in the preclinical medical school curriculum.. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine . 02/2014; 33: S66

Evaluation of Medical Students' Ultrasound Image Acquisition and Interpretation Skills Compared to Emergency Medicine Residents
AIUM 2014

Brackney A, Jung D, Afonso N, Bahl A. Utility of cardiac ultrasound in the preclinical medical school curriculum.. Annals of Emergency Medicine . 10/2013; 62(4): S34

Kule A, Bahl A. Preventing the collapse of a peripheral vein during cannulation: an evaluation of various tourniquet techniques on vein compressibility. Academic Emergency Medicine 2011; Accepted for publication & in press

Shah P, Bastani A, Bahl A. Finding the Ticking Timebomb: Emergency department ultrasound-based screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in a high-risk cohort. Annals of Emergency Medicine 58:S204

Mantha KC, Berry B, Anderson T, Bastani A, Bahl A. The PIC protocol: a novel emergency department ultrasound protocol for patients presenting with dyspnea. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2011;58:S229

Bahl A, Berry B, Dull B, Zimny M, Noureldin T, Roe J, Swor R. Laboratory evaluation in diagnosing cholecystitis. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2010;56:S36.

Bahl A, Chinwala A. Correlation of previous ultrasonography experience to interpretation of core ultrasonography. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2010;56:S83.

Hang B, Rocco V, Bahl A. Effects of the use of different tourniquet techniques on vein height and width for ultrasonography-guided peripheral access. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2010;56:S98-99.

Bahl A, Tadros A, Treyster A, Raio C, Francis D, Nelson M, Akerman M, Zimmerman M, Liu Y. Assessment of Emergency Medicine resident competency in interpretation of right upper quadrant and focused abdominal sonography for trauma ultrasound scans. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2008;52(4):S146


10/2012 - 05/2013 Beaumont Hospital Mini-grant
"Comparative evaluation of intercostal and transabdominal approaches in focused right upper quadrant sonography", Sub Investigator and Mentor, Beaumont Hospital

10/2012 - 09/2013 Oakland University-Beaumont Multidisciplinary Research Award "Enhancement of first-year medical student understanding of cardiac anatomy and physiology through training in bedside cardiac ultrasound.", Principal Investigator, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

07/2014 - 06/2015 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Physician Investigator Award "Utility of nurse performed ultrasound-guided IV placement in ED patients with difficult access.", Principal Investigator, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

10/2017 - 04/2018 Unrestricted Educational Grant
"Powerwand Midline Catheter Compared to Traditional UltrasoundGuided Intravenous Catheter for Long-Term Catheter Survival", Principal Investigator, Access Scientific

09/2018 - 10/2019 Educational Grant for Research "Choosing the Right Catheter Length IV Based on Depth of Vein for Ultrasound-Guided Insertions", Principal Investigator, B. Braun

11/2018 - 06/2020 Educational Grant for Research "A Randomized Comparison of Midline Catheters for Thrombophlebitis", Principal Investigator, Teleflex

01/2019 - 12/2019 Patient Safety Grant "Novel Strategy to Encourage Early Removal of Central Venous Catheters", Principal Investigator, Beaumont Insurance Company

03/2019 - 07/2021 Investigator Initiated Study "A Prospective Evaluation of a Comprehensive Central Line Dressing
Change Solution on Nurse Compliance in the ICU Setting", Principal Investigator, Medline Industries

07/2019 - 06/2020 Unrestricted Educational Grant "Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Securement with Tissue Adhesive Compared to Conventional Dressing: A Randomized Controlled Trial", Principal Investigator, Adhezion Medical

12/2019 - 12/2020 Educational Grant for Research "Extended Dwell Catheters: An Evaluation of Blood Sampling", Principal
Investigator, Becton Dickinson

12/2019 - 12/2020 Investigator Initiated Study "Ultrasound-Guided Intravenous Line Survival in Upper Arm vs. Lower
Arm", Principal Investigator, B. Braun

08/2020 - 07/2021 Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Controlled Trial - Costs of Failed IV Catheters and Risk Factors of IV Failure, Principal Investigator, B. Braun


Price, J. Recent Advances in Ultrasound Lung Imaging.
Brackney, A. Case Review.
Detroit Citywide Ultrasound Grand Rounds Fall 2018 (Detroit MI)

Brackney, A. Ultrasound vs CT in evaluation for suspected nephrolithiasis
Shotkin, P. POCUS Evaluation of Flank Pain.
Detroit Citywide Ultrasound Grand Rounds Spring 2018 (Detroit MI)

Brackney, A. Doppler Physics
Shotkin, P. Peripheral US IV placement
Detroit Citywide Ultrasound Grand Rounds Fall 2017 (Detroit MI)

Brackney, A. Biliary Ultrasound
Detroit Citywide Ultrasound Grand Rounds Spring 2017 (Detroit MI)

Brackney, A. Portal Vein Thrombosis
Detroit Citywide Ultrasound Grand Rounds Spring 2016 (Detroit MI)

The Introduction of an Ultrasound Simulator to Improve Image recognition
Brackney A, Bagan M
Oral Presentation Sept 2016 WCUME
Poster Presentation Midwest Regional SAEM Sept 2016

Brackney, A. Hand on MSK and Nerve Blocks
Detroit Citywide Ultrasound Grand Rounds Fall 2015 (Detroit MI)

Brackney, A. Small parts and soft tissue US
Detroit Citywide Ultrasound Grand Rounds Fall 2014 (Detroit MI)

Brackney, A. Basic Cardiac US
Detroit Citywide Ultrasound Grand Rounds Fall 2018 (Detroit MI)

Kule A, Bahl A. Preventing the collapse of a peripheral vein during cannulation: an evaluation of various tourniquet techniques on vein compressibility. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 2012 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL)

Bahl A. Abdominal Ultrasound. City-Wide Ultrasound Conference 2009 (Detroit, MI).

Bahl A. Rapidly Identifying the Cause of Undifferentiated Hypotension. 1st Ramathibodi Thai-American 2008 Emergency Ultrasound Workshop (Bangkok, Thailand).

Bahl A. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. 1st Ramathibodi Thai-American 2008 Emergency Ultrasound Workshop (Bangkok, Thailand).

Bahl A. Deep Venous Thrombosis. 1st Ramathibodi Thai-American 2008 Emergency Ultrasound Workshop (Bangkok, Thailand).

Raio CC, Bahl A, Theodoro D, Nelson MJ, Chiricolo G, Hormozdi SH. Can Inexperienced Ultrasonographers Utilize Ultrasonography to Accurately Confirm Intraosseous Needle Placement? Society for Academic Emergency Medicine New York State 2006 Regional Meeting (Syracuse, NY).

Lee DC, Chu J, Bania TC, Bahl A. Are Advancing Age, Race, or Gender factors in Delays to Treatment of Pain in Elderly Patients with Undifferentiated Abdominal Pain? Society for Academic Emergency Medicine New York State 2006 Regional Meeting (Syracuse, NY)

Lee DC, Chu J, Bania TC, Bahl A. Are Elderly Patients who present with Abdominal Pain at night Sicker? Society for Academic Emergency Medicine New York State 2006 Regional Meeting (Syracuse, NY)

Shah P, Bastani A, Bahl A. Finding the Ticking Timebomb: Emergency department ultrasound-based screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in a high-risk cohort. American College of Emergency Physicians 2011 National Meeting(San Francisco, CA)

Mantha KC, Berry B, Anderson T, Bastani A, Bahl A. The PIC protocol: a novel emergency department ultrasound protocol for patients presenting with dyspnea. American College of Emergency Physicians 2011 National Meeting(San Francisco, CA)

Bahl A, Berry B, Dull B, Zimny M, Noureldin T, Roe J, Swor R. Laboratory evaluation in diagnosing cholecystitis. American College of Emergency Physicians 2010 National Meeting (Las Vegas, NV).

Bahl A, Chinwala A. Correlation of previous ultrasonography experience to interpretation of core ultrasonography. American College of Emergency Physicians 2010 National Meeting (Las Vegas, NV).

Hang B, Rocco V, Bahl A. Effects of the use of different tourniquet techniques on vein height and width for ultrasonography-guided peripheral access. American College of Emergency Physicians 2010 National Meeting (Las Vegas, NV).

Bahl A, Tadros A, Treyster A, Raio C, Francis D, Nelson M, Akerman M, Zimmerman M, Liu Y. Assessment of Emergency Medicine resident competency in interpretation of right upper quadrant and focused abdominal sonography for trauma ultrasound scans. American College of Emergency Physicians 2008 National Meeting (Chicago, IL).

Bahl A, Tadros A, Treyster A, Raio C, Nelson, M. Assessment of Emergency Medicine resident competency in interpretation of RUQ and FAST ultrasound scans. American College of Emergency Physicians 2008 Regional Meeting (Lake George, NY).

Nelson M, Bahl A, Treyster A. Can EMS personnel accurately interpret FAST scans? American College of Emergency Physicians 2008 Regional Meeting (Lake George, NY).

Bahl A, Treyster A, Raio C. Inferior vena cava measurements in response to fluid resuscitation in sepsis. Fifth Annual Ultrasound Symposium: Pediatric Critical Ultrasound (New York, NY).


Maloy J, Harrison N, Bahl A. Acute Respiratory Distress. Clinical practice and cases in emergency medicine. 07/2018; 2(3): 272-273. 30083654

Pandurangadu AV, Tucker J, Brackney AR, Bahl A. Ultrasound-guided intravenous catheter survival impacted by amount of catheter residing in the vein. Emergency medicine journal : EMJ .09/2018; 35(9): 550-555. 30021833

Bahl A, Hixson CC. July Phenomenon Impacts Efficiency of Emergency Care. The western journal of emergency medicine. 01/2019; 20(1): 157-162. 30643619

Bahl A, Karabon P, Chu D. Comparison of Venous Thrombosis Complications in Midlines Versus Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters: Are Midlines the Safer Option?. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis. 01/2019; 25: 1076029619839150. 30909723

Price J, Xiao J, Tausch K, Hang B, Bahl A. Single Versus Double Tourniquet Technique for Ultrasound Guided Venous Catheter Placement. West J Emerg Med. 07/2019. 31539328

Bahl A, Hijazi M, Chen N, Lachapelle L, Price J. Ultra Long Versus Standard Long Peripheral Intravenous Catheters: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Ultrasound-Guided Catheter Survival. Amit Bahl, MD MPH Aug 21, 2020 Page 4 of 14 Annals of Emergency Medicine . 12/2019. 31955940

Kache S, Patel S, Chen NW, Bahl A. Doomed Peripheral Intravenous Catheters: Bad Outcomes are Similar for Emergency Department and Inpatient Placed Catheters A Retrospective Medical Record Review. Journal of Vascular Access . 08/2020

Ultrasound-guided intravenous catheter survival impacted by amount of catheter residing in the vein.
A Pandurangadu, J Tucker, A Brackney, A Bahl
Emerg Med J. First Published online July 18, 2018

Standard lone IV catheters versus extended dwell catheters: A randomized comparison of ultrasound-guided catheter survival.
A Bahl, B Hang, A Brackney, S Joseph, P Karabon, A Mohammad, I Nnanabu, P Shotkin.
American Journal of Emergency Medicine. First Published online July 2018.

Comparison of Ultrasound and Plain Radiography for the Detection of Long-bone Fractures.
A Bahl, M Bagan, S Joseph, A Brackney
J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2018 Apr-Jun; 11(2):115-118.

Bedside Ultrasound for Pulsatile Hand Mass
Jane Xiao MD and Abigail Brackney MD
Emergency Medicine. 2018 March; 77-80

Portal Vein Thrombosis Diagnosed by Bedside Ultrasound
Daniel Wells MD, Abigail Brackney MD
CPC-EM: Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan 24, 2017

Bedside Cardiac Ultrasound to Aid in the Diagnosis of Takotsubo’s Cardiomyopathy
Emily Nguyen MD, Abigail Brackney MD
Emergency Medicine. 2017 January;49(1):23-27

Implications of Ultrasound Mismatch: A Novel Case Report of Discrepancy between Bedside Versus Formal Biliary Ultrasound
Burla M, Berger D, Brackney A, Bahl A. J Emerg Med Critical Care. Sept 2015:1(2)

Inferior Vena Cava Assessment in the Bedside Diagnosis of Acute Heart Failure
J. Miller, A. Sen, S. Strote, A. Hegg, S. Farris, A. Brackney, D. Amponsah, U. Mossallam
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 30, Issue 5, June 2012, Pages 778–783

Liu T, Bahl A. Evaluation of proper above-the-diaphragm central venous catheter placement: the saline flush test. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2011, 29(7), 842.e841-842.e843.

Zimny M, Walters B, Bahl A. Bedside ultrasound for hip dislocation. Journal of Emergency Medicine, accepted for publication & in press.

Visser C, Bahl A. Pediatric Budd-Chiari Syndrome suggested by bedside ultrasound: a case report. Submitted to Journal of Emergency Medicine, under review.

Kule A, Hang B, Bahl A. Preventing the Collapse of a Peripheral Vein During Cannulation: An Evaluation of Various Tourniquet Techniques on Vein Compressibility. Submitted Academic Emergency Medicine Journal, under review.

Schafer S, Bahl A. Haven’t You Ordered Enough Abdominal CTs on Your Elderly Fall Patients? Submitted to American Journal of Emergency Medicine, under review.