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Regions Hospital

Program Description

Type of Program

Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship

Year Fellowship Started


Ultrasound Program Status

Section of Emergency Medicine Department

Number of Ultrasound Faculty

All of the emergency medicine faculty are credentialed in point-of-care ultrasound. There are five faculty members with extensive training in ultrasound including three who have done fellowships in either Emergency Ultrasound or Critical Care Medicine. The Fellowship Director (Dr. Zwank) was among the first candidates to achieve Advanced Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Focused Practice Designation (AEMUS FPD).

Notable Faculty

Michael Zwank, MD
Peter Kumasaka, MD
Casey Woster, MD
Charles Bruen, MD
Dan Sheets, MD

Ultrasound Fellowship Education

The fellow will be credentialed at Regions Hospital as well as one or more of our community hospitals. Clinical time will be spent at multiple sites. Fellowship duties include most importantly an ultrasound scanning shift each week at Regions Hospital. The fellow will also have an administrative day to focus on QA review, research, hospital ultrasound administrative duties as well as prep time for teaching duties. The fellow will give one residency ultrasound lecture every two months and lead one journal club during the year. The fellow will serve on the Hospital Point-of-Care Ultrasound Committee and have the opportunity to engage in any other department or hospital activities (including research, quality improvement, patient experience and others). The fellow is expected to engage in a research project as well.

Do you bill for ultrasounds?


Do you require follow up imaging for patients who get ultrasounds?


Other Information

We use EPIC and have developed an elegant and fully integrated point-of-care workflow that includes ordering POC US studies in EPIC, performing the ultrasound with all images and videos automatically archived in PACS with EPIC link to these studies and documentation in EPIC.