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Regions Hospital

Fellowship Director Requirements

1) If not fellowship trained, does the EUS fellowship director have at least 3 years of experience using EUS in clinical practice after residency?

Yes - Michael Zwank, the fellowship director has been practicing emergency medicine for 16 years. He has been the ultrasound director throughout his career. He has served in leadership positions for the ACEP Ultrasound Section and has lectured locally, nationally and internationally. His ultrasound experiences allowed him to sit for the AEMUS FDP exam.

2) If fellowship trained, did the EUS fellowship director complete fellowship more than 1 year ago?


3) Has the EUS fellowship director published at least three peer reviewed emergency ultrasound articles in Medline indexed journals?

Yes - Zwank MD. Pneumothorax Complications During Placement of Peripheral Internal Jugular Intravenous Catheters. J Emerg Med. 2021 Feb;60(2):e31-e32. PMID: 33121840.\r\n\r\nZwank MD. Periurethral Abscess Complicating Urethral Diverticulum. J Emerg Med. 2018 Sep 22. pii: S0736-4679(18)30835-7. PMID: 30253950.\r\n\r\nStrony R, Marin JR, Bailitz J, Dean AJ, Blaivas M, Tayal V, Raio C, Liu R, Woods A, Zwank M, Fields M, Abo A, Wu S, Kang T, Liu T, Leo M, Smalley C, Chiricolo J, Chilstrom M, Lewiss RE. Systemwide Clinical Ultrasound Program Development: An Expert Consensus Model. West J Emerg Med. 2018 Jul;19(4):649-653. PMID: 30013699.\r\n\r\nZwank MD, Gordon BD, Truman S. Refining the Wild Wild West of Point-of-Care Ultrasound at an Academic Community Hospital. J American College of Radiology, Dec 2017 14(12): 1574-1577. PMID: 29202936.\r\n\r\nMathews BK, Zwank M. Hospital Medicine Point of Care Ultrasound Credentialing: An Example Protocol. J Hosp Med. 2017 Sep;12(9):767-772. PMID: 28914285.\r\n\r\nWoster CM, Zwank MD, Pasquarella JR, Wewerka SS, Anderson JP, Greupner JT, Motalib S. Placement of a cervical collar increases the optic nerve sheath diameter in healthy adults. Am J Emerg Med. 2017 Aug 26. PMID: 28865838.\r\n

4) Are at least two of the above mentioned publications original ultrasound research with the EUS fellowship director as first author on one of them?


5) Does the fellowship director have a record of excellence in teaching? (This ability can be demonstrated by teaching awards, consistently favorable evaluations by residents and/or fellows, or the like.)

Yes - Most recently, Dr. Zwank received the Kevin Kilgore Apple Award (2022) for recognition of outstanding educator for medical students. \r\n\r\nOther teaching awards include: Felix Ankel Faculty Teaching Award (2016) presented in recognition of the outstanding faculty educator for emergency medicine residents; Physician Assistant Faculty Teaching Award (2014) presented in recognition of the outstanding faculty educator for emergency medicine residents; Faculty Teaching Award (2011) presented in recognition of the outstanding faculty educator for emergency medicine residents

6) Does the EUS fellowship director have at least four regional and national abstract research presentations at meetings conducted by organizations such as ACEP, SAEM, AIUM or similar meetings over a three-year period


7) Is the EUS fellowship director involved in advancing emergency ultrasound by active participation or leadership in one of the previously mentioned nationally recognized organizations?

Yes - Dr. Zwank was the Secretary for the ACEP US Section (2015-2018).