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Zucker Northwell at North Shore University Hospital & Long Island Jewish Medical Center

Ultrasound Projects

Outside Lectures

Ultrasound Division lectures regionally, nationally and internationally.

Internal Lectures

Introduction to Emergency Ultrasound Course, monthly lectures at EM conference at both North Shore and LIJ, weekly didactic and hands-on training sessions at fellowship meeting.

Ultrasound Courses

All fellows will attend the Introduction to Emergency Ultrasound course. They will also be invited to other courses that Division Faculty are involved with during the course of the year. As well as, teaching courses at the medical school.


A mini-selective for attendings is in development.

Other Information

Division faculty have been involved with numerous international projects including several courses in Thailand and Australia. Fellows also have the option of working with the International EM fellowship faculty with projects in India and other countries. North Shore-LIJ has opened a new medical school in cooperation with Hofstra University in 2011. Faculty/fellows will be involved in the integration of ultrasound education into the medical student curriculum.