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Southwest Healthcare Medical Education Consortium

Program Description

Type of Program

Our fellowship program is based at Temecula Valley Hospital, home to a 3-year Emergency Medicine Program with 10 residents/year.

We are a community based program offering a unique opportunity to gain experience in ultrasound program management, develop digital education skills, and become a regional leader in emergency ultrasound. Our program is focused on strong mentorship between our fellow and ultrasound faculty.

Year Fellowship Started


Ultrasound Program Status

Division of Emergency Medicine
Temecula Valley Hospital

Number of Ultrasound Faculty


Notable Faculty

Michael Macias (Ultrasound Director, Co-Fellowship Director)
Jailyn Avila (Associate Ultrasound Director, Co-Fellowship Director)

Ultrasound Fellowship Education

We provide a comprehensive US training program that goes far beyond clinical skills development. The goals for our fellowship include:

1. Become an expert in advanced emergency ultrasound
2. Understand operational aspects of an ultrasound program and advanced workflow strategies
3. Evolve content creation and teaching skills necessary for modern US education and curriculum development on a local and national scale
4. Cultivate leadership strategies applicable to future practice, both within and outside the ultrasound realm

We accomplish these goals through the following structure:

- Scanning shifts
- Lecture series (weekly)
- Journal club (weekly)
- Image review (weekly)
- Teaching opportunities at local (residents/medical students/faculty) and regional level (CME courses)
- Admin & Content Creation Mentorship Meetings (monthly)

Do you bill for ultrasounds?


Do you require follow up imaging for patients who get ultrasounds?


Other Information