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Southwest Healthcare Medical Education Consortium

Fellowship Program

Length of Fellowship

1 year


$116,000 base salary for 9 shifts/month (8 hour shift length) with the opportunity for moonlighting internally.

Additional Funds

In addition to base salary:

Health insurance stipend - $6000 per year ($500/month)
Conference stipend - $5000 per year
Incorporation stipend - $1000
Educational fund available for program needs

Number of Clinical Hours

72 (~16 hours per week)

Other Duties

- Monthly scanning shifts
- Attend 1-2 national US conferences
- Lecture local and regionally
- Monthly admin/content creation mentorship meetings
- Scholarly activity requirement: 1 original research project, 1 co-authored research project with US faculty, and 1 admin project

Number of Sites


Number of Positions Per Year


Additional Opportunities

- Opportunities for internal moonlighting
- Opportunities to participate in ultrasound courses given locally, regionally, and nationally.

Educational Experience

Fellows have weekly didactics, scanning shifts, image review and mentorship meetings with our faculty.

Image Review

All point of care ultrasound imaging studies in our hospital are stored on a state of the art cloud-based system making weekly image review straightforward and efficient.

Deadline for Fellowship Application

Fellows Chosen

Charles Malcolm Roberson - 2024-2025