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Henry Ford Health System




Establishing a Quality Assurance Process for Emergency Ultrasound Fostering Medical Education and Trainee Involvement. WSUSOM Medical Education Research and innovation Conference. Detroit, MI. December 2020

Comparison of Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion in Two Cardiac Imaging Windows.Research presentation at the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Midwest Regional Conference. Cleveland, OH. September 2020

Fulfilling EM Resident Ultrasound Milestones: An 18-month Systems-Based Ultrasound Curriculum SAEM. Didactics Session. National Conference. Las Vegas, NV May 2019

Utilization of Ultrasound in Resuscitation Rooms Henry Ford Hospital Research Symposium. Detroit, MI May 2019

Does Performance of Sophomore Medical Student Ultrasound Image Capture Predict Choice of Specialty? AIUM. International Conference. Orlando, FL April 2019

Does Performance of Sophomore Medical Student Ultrasound Image Capture Predict Choice of Specialty? World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education Conference, October 13, 2017, Montreal, QC

Ultrasound-Guided Transvenous Pacemaker Placement by Emergency Physicians Revisited at the World Congress for Ultrasound in Medical Education. Montreal, Canada Oct 2017

Distal Fibular Fracture Diagnosed by Point of Care Ultrasound in the Emergency Department. World Congress in Ultrasound in Medical Education September 2016 in Lubbock, Texas

A Cost Effective Phantom Model for Ultrasound-Guided Central Venous Access Training (CEPHAlic) At the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. New Orleans, LA May 2016

Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access (with hands on session) at the Henry Ford Emergency Medicine Alumni Conference. New Orleans, LA Jan 2016

Developing an Ultrasound Program For Undergraduate Medical Education (panel discussion) at www.sonoroundtable.com Dec 2014

Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education at Great VII International Meeting Helsinki, Finland, June 2014

DS020: Developing an Effective Curriculum for Incorporating Ultrasound Education into the Gross Anatomy Course in Medical School (panel discussion) at SAEM Dallas, May 2014

Use of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound to Improve Specificity of Fracture Diagnosis in Ottowa Ankle Rule Positive Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Blunt Ankle and Mid-Foot Injuries (poster) at SAEM Dallas, May 2014

Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy Course - Echocardiographic Assessment of the Critical Care Patient, April 2010, 2011, 2012 HFHS Center for Simulation Studies

Innovations in Medical Education Conference, Adding new tools to the Black bag incorporating ultrasound into the physical diagnosis course - March 2010 (oral presentation - Pasadena, CA)

American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Conference - Adding new tools to the Black bag incorporating ultrasound into the physical diagnosis course, March 2010 (poster presentation, San Diego, CA)

City-Wide Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Conference Henry Ford, Detroit Receiving, Beaumont, St John Hospitals March 2009 (5-hour grand rounds conference)
Topic: Focused Echocardiography in the ED

City-Wide Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Conference
Henry Ford, Detroit Receiving, St John Hospitals September 2009 (5-hour grand rounds conference) Topic: Echocardiographic Assessment of the Trauma Victim

Med Start Seminar - Wayne State University
January 2010 Introduction to Ultrasound

Thoracic/Bronchoscopy Ultrasound Course. April 2009
Simulation Center. HFHS
Topic: Echocardiographic Assessment of the Critically ill Patient

Trauma & Acute Care Grand Rounds Lecture - Sept 2009
Topic: Ultrasound Evaluation of the Trauma Patient

Senior Staff Ultrasound Teaching Sessions
Simulation Center 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Topics: Basic Bedside Ultrasound - Lecture and hands-on Sessions

Nurse Ultrasound Teaching Sessions
Simulation Center 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Topics: Peripheral IV access, Bladder Volume Determination

Physician Assistant Ultrasound Training sessions
ED Trailer - 2007, 2008, 2009
Musculoskeletal and Soft Tissue Applications

International Ultrasound Course
Windsor, Canada. Nov 30, 2008
Topic: Basic Echocardiography in the ED

International Critical Care Ultrasound Course
Henry Ford Health Systems
July 30-31, 2008
Topics: Introduction to Echocardiography, Focused Echo Assessment in Critical Care, Echo Assessment of the Cardiac Arrest Patient

Ultrasound Lecture Series - First Year Med Students
Wayne State University School of Medicine
2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
Topics: Ultrasound Physics & Knobology Abdominal & Genitourinary Ultrasound, Cardiac Ultrasound, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Ultrasound Lecture Series - Physical Diagnosis Course - Second Year Medical Students
Wayne State University School of Medicine
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Topics: Ultrasound Refresher Course
Ultrasound Debriefing Sessions - Clinical cases (16 sessions / year)

Ultrasound Lectures ( Physics and Knobology,Cardiac, Renal)
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
June 2004,05,06,07,08, 09,2010, 2011, 2012


1. Connor-Schuler R, Binz S, Clark C. -Portal Venous Gas on Point-of-Care Ultrasound in a Case of Cecal Ischemia.- J Emerg Med. 2019 Dec 13.

2. Arthurs B, Connor-Schuler R, Kreifels W, Suszanski J, Baliga S, and Amponsah D. -Asteroid Hyalosis Seen on Ocular Point-of-Care Ultrasound.- Clin Prac Cases Emerg Med. 2019 Jul 22; (3):318-320.

3. J Hourmozdi, A Markin, B Johnson, P Fleming, D Amponsah, J Suszanski, J Miller. Ultrasound-Guided Internal Jugular Vein Catheterization: Effects of a Simulation-Based Quality Initiative. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning (submitted 12/2017)

4. Wilson SP, Suszanski J, Goyal N. Prompt Diagnosis of an Unusual Cause of Obstructive Shock Using Point-of-Care Ultrasound. Journal of Emergency Medicine 2015; 49(5): e151-e152

5. Afonso N, D Amponsah, J Yang, et al (2010). Adding New Tools to the Black Bag – Introduction of Ultrasound into the Physical Diagnosis Course. Journ of Gen Intern Med; 25(11):1248-1252

6. Textbook of Rapid Response Systems: Concept & Implementation. EP Rivers, D. Amponsah, V. Coba. DOI 10.1007/798-0-387-92853-1_22. (chapter 22 – 2011)

7. Fluid Therapy in Septic Shock. E Rivers, AJ Jaehne, L Eichenhorn-Wharry, S. Brown, D. Amponsah. Curr Opinion Crit Care; 16:4:297-308

8. NASA Smart Ultrasound Remote Guidance Experiment (SURGE) project. SA Dulchavsky, K. Garcia, S. Peterson, A. Sargasyan, D. Amponsah (submitted for publication)

9. A Phase 2, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenously Administered MEDI-563, A Humanized Anti-interleukin-5 Receptor Alpha Monoclonal Antibody, on Asthma Control Following Acute Exacerbations in Adults: PROTOCOL MI-CP186. Dr. David Amponsah, Sub-Investigator

10. A Phase II, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of MN-221 When Administered Intravenously as an Adjunct to Standard Therapy to Adults with an Acute Exacerbation of Asthma. MN-221-CL-007. Dr. David Amponsah, Sub-Investigator

11. Harwood-Nuss’ Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine 5th Edition Section 1 – Resuscitation. Chapter 4 – Shock (pages 37-44); Emanuel Rivers, David Amponsah

12. Harwood Nuss – Book chapter 2008– Sepsis. EP Rivers, D Amponsah

13. Management of Sepsis: Early Resuscitation – Clin Chest Med 29(2008) EP Rivers, D Amponsah

14. Ultrasonic evaluation of papillary light reflex. Critical Ultrasound Journal. DO1 10.1007/s 1308.9-0090012-9 Sargasyan, Hamilton, Marshall, Amponsah, Dulchavsky (2009)

15. Snowboarding Injuries: a review of the literature and analysis of the potential use of portable ultrasound for mountainside diagnostics. Nowak MR, Kirkpatrick AW, Bouffard AJ, Amponsah D, Dulchavsky S. Curr Rev Musc Med. DOI 10. 1007/s 12178-008 9040-J

16. Use of musculoskeletal ultrasound to improve specificity of fracture diagnosis in Ottawa Ankle Rule positive patients presenting to the
Emergency department with blunt ankle and midfoot injuries. David Amponsah (PI) – completed)

17. Limited bedside ultrasound as an adjunct to hemodynamic optimization in patients presenting to the ED with severe sepsis and septic shock. David Amponsah (PI) – ongoing research project

18. Use of ultrasound to evaluate ureteral jet flow and hydronephrosis in patients presenting to the ED with flank pain presumed to have renal colic. David Amponsah (PI) – ongoing research project

19. Ultrasound fracture diagnosis in space. Scott Dulchavsky MD,PhD PI, David Amponsah Co-PI (submitted for publication)

20. Emmanuel P. Rivers, MD, MPH and David Amponsah, Shock, Hardwood-Nuss Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine 4th Edition

21. David Amponsah, and Nowak, MD, FAAEM: Published Algorithms - Cardiac Emergency by Frank W. Peacock and Brian Tiffany 2005

22. Emmanuel P. Rivers, MD, MPH, H. Bryant Nguyen, MD, MS and David Amponsah; Sepsis: A landscape from the emergency department to the intensive care unit. Critical Care Medicine 2003; 31(3):968-969

23. Emmanuel P. Rivers, Victor Coba MD, David Amponsah, and the HFH Sepsis collaborative Group. Early Goal Directed Therapy in
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. A Contemporary Review of the Literature.

24. Early Goal-Directed Therapy in Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock (Collaborative Group) New England Journal Medicine 2001; 345:1368-1377, Nov. 8, 2001

25. An Efficacy and Safety Study of Levalbuterol, Racemic Albuterol and
Placebo in Subjects Twelve years of Age and Older with Asthma
(Sub Investigator)

26. A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo and Active-controlled, Multi-
Center Parallel-group Study (R,R) - Formoterol in the Treatment of Subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Sub-Investigator) David Amponsah MD

27. A Long Term Study of Levalbuterol and Racemic Albuterol in Subjects TwelveYears and Older with Asthma (Sub Investigator)

28. A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double Blind Study of Rofecoxib 50 mg, Intramuscular Ketorolac Tromethamine 60 mg, Hydrocodone Bitartrate 5 mg with Acetaminophen 500 mg and Hydrocodone Bitartrate 10 mg with Acetaminophen 1000 mg in the Treatment of Acute Musculoskeletal Pain (Sub Investigator)

29. Prospective Randomized Outcomes Study of Acutely Compensated CHF Treated Initially in Outcome with Natrecor. THE PROACTION STUDY (Sub Investigator)

30. GI Hemorrhage Clinical Study in Observational Medicine (1999)