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NYU Medical Center / Bellevue Hospital

Other Publications


Handbook of Critical Care and Emergency Ultrasound. Carmody, K, Moore, C, Feller-Kopman, D. Mc-Graw-Hill, July 2011.



Basic Echocardiography. Chandra A, Carmody K. Sound Rounds: Practical Applications for the Emergency Physician; Empire State EPIC: Newsletter of the NY Chapter of The American College of Emergency Physicians, December 2014: 6-8.

Ocular Injury Evaluation using Bedside Ultrasonography. Grimm L, Carmody K. Medscape: Online Textbook of Emergency Medicine, Aug 2013.

Abscess Evaluation Using Bedside Ultrasonography. Grimm L, Carmody K. Medscape: Online Textbook of Emergency Medicine, July 2013.
Acute Mumps. Carmody K, Sinert R. Medscape: Online Textbook of Emergency Medicine, Sept 2012.


Optic neuritis diagnosed by emergency physician-performed ultrasound: a case report. Wayman D, Carmody KA. J Emerg Med, 2014 Sep; 47(3): 301-5.

The Man With the Persistently Runny Nose. Minak J, Carmody K. Am J of Emerg Med, 2014 Jan; 32(1):108.e5-108.e6.

Paget-Schroetter syndrome diagnosed by emergency physician performed ultrasound: a case report. O’Keefe S, Carmody K. J Emerg Med, 2013 Jul; 45(1): 74-7.

Case Management: Lyme Carditis. Lim S, Saijwani S, Carmody K. Massachusetts Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians Newsletter, January 2013.

Case Management: Bacterial Meningitis. Dwyer K, Saijwani S, Carmody K. Massachusetts Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians Newsletter, November 2012: 9-12.

Extrauterine migration of an intrauterine device: a case report. Carmody K, Schwartz B, Chang A. J Emerg Med, 2011 Aug; 41(2): 161-5.