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NYU Medical Center / Bellevue Hospital



Emergency Physician-Performed Echocardiography as a Predictor of Cardiac Events
in Patients Presenting With Symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndrome. Asaly M,
Chandra A, Blackstock U, Kurkowski E, Menlove S, Carmody K. Poster Presentation,
Mount Sinai St Luke’s Annual Fellow Symposium, March 2016.

Emergency Physician-Performed Echocardiography as a Predictor of Cardiac Events
in Patients Presenting With Symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndrome. Asaly M,
Chandra A, Blackstock U, Kurkowski E, Menlove S, Carmody K. Poster Presentation,
ACEP, October 2015.

Emergency Physician-Performed Bedside Ultrasound in Patients With Undifferentiated Abdominal Pain. Robertson E, Kurkowski E, Blackstock U, Chandra A, Menlove S, Carmody K. Poster Presentation, ACEP, October 2015.

Comparison of Emergency Physician-Performed Bedside Ultrasound vs. Computed
Tomography in The Diagnosis of Renal Colic. Leo M, Langlois B, Moore R, Lin SC,
Rahimi L, Mitchell P, Carmody K. Poster Presentation, ACEP, Oct 2014.

An Investigation of the Variability Amongst Emergency Ultrasound Fellowships: Is it
time for Standardization? Folorunsho A, Blackstock U, Vermeulen M, Menlove S,
Carmody K. Poster Presentation, ACEP, Oct 2014.

Comparison of Emergency Physician Performed Bedside Ultrasound vs. Computed
Tomography in The Diagnosis of Renal Colic. Leo M, Langlois B, Moore R, Lin SC,
Rahimi L, Mitchell P, Carmody K. Oral Presentation, SAEM, May 2013.

Comparison of Emergency Physician Performed Bedside Ultrasound vs. Computed
Tomography in The Diagnosis of Renal Colic. Leo M, Langlois B, Moore R, Lin SC,
Rahimi L, Mitchell P, Carmody K. Oral Presentation, New England Regional SAEM,
Apr 2013.

Ultrasound as a first-line imaging modality for appendicitis: Does it reduce health
care costs, radiation exposure and length of stay in emergency department patients?
Pare J, Douriez C, Farooq L, Hagopian L, Saijwani S, Leo M, Carmody K. Poster
Presentation, ACEP, October 2012.

Right Ventricular Strain on Bedside Echo: Does it Help in the Diagnosis of a Pulmonary
Embolism? Dresden S, Leo M, Sullivan A, Carmody K. Poster Presentation, ACEP, October

Does Dynamic Image Review Improve Emergency Residents’ Ability to Interpret Bedside Echo? Dresden S, Sullivan, A, Leo, M, Carmody, K. Oral Presentation, New England Regional
SAEM, April 2011.

Right ventricular strain on focused emergency physician echocardiography predicts
pulmonary embolism. Carmody K, Goralnick E, Osborne M, Manson W, Bomann J, Moore C.
Poster Presentation, SAEM, May 2009.

Sonographic Detection of Interstitial Lung Fluid Predicts Serum B-type Natriuretic Peptide
Level. Manson W, Bonz J, Carmody K, Osborne M, Moore C. Poster Presentation, ACEP, October 2009.

The association of coagulopathy and traumatic brain injury. Zehtabchi S, Soghoian S, Liu Y,
Carmody K, Shah L, Whittaker B, Sinert R. SAEM, May 2007.


2016 Society of Clinical Ultrasound Fellowships National Conference Fellowship Assessment and Evaluation

2016 Society of Clinical Ultrasound Fellowships National Conference Structure of Fellowship Curriculum

2016 Maimonides Medical Center Advanced Echocardiography

2015 Mt Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, New York All Fellows Conference Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Education

2015 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, National Conference Echocardiography

2015 Society of Clinical Ultrasound Fellowships National Conference General Overview of the Fellowship Structure

2015 Mt Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center Cases in Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound

2014 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, National Conference Ultrasound in the Critical Patient: A Case-Based Approach

2014 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, National Conference The Year of Emergency Ultrasound in Review

2014 New England Section of Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Ultrasound for Residents

2014 Mt Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, New York All Fellows Conference RDMS Certification for Emergency Physicians

2014 Mt Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center Advanced Echocardiography

2014 Maimonides Medical Center Advanced Echocardiography

2014 State University at Brooklyn, Downstate Medical Center
Cases in Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound

2013 Mt Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center Advanced Echocardiography

2010 Harvard School of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Ultrasound Physics

2010 Harvard School of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma

2009 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Critical Care Ultrasound Conference Applications in Echocardiography

2008 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Annual Convention Ultrasound in Hemorrhagic Shock

2008-13 Massachusetts Section of ACEP Ultrasound Conference Ultrasound in Deep Venous Thrombosis and Vascular Access

2008- New England Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Ultrasound Conference Various Applications in Emergency Ultrasound


The Society of Clinical Ultrasound Fellowships: An Innovation in the Point of Care
Ultrasound Fellowship Application Process. Lewiss R, Adhikari S, Carmody K, Fields
JM, Hunt P, Liteplo A, Nagdev A, Raio C, Gaspari G. Am J of Emerg Med, 2016. In

Revival of the Use of Ultrasound in Screening for Appendicitis in Young Adult Men.
Pare J, Langlois B, Scalera S, Farooq L, Douriez C, Chiu H, Carmody K. Journal of
Clinical Ultrasound. Jan 2016; 44(1): 3-11.

Right Ventricular Dilatation on Bedside Echocardiography Performed by Emergency
Physicians Aids in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism. Dresden S, Leo M, Sullivan
A, Carmody K. Annals of Emergency Medicine. Jan 2014; 63(1):16-24.

Sonographic Diagnosis of Pneumothorax. Husain L, Hagopian L, Wayman D, Baker W,
Carmody K. J Emerg, Trauma and Shock. 2012;5:76-81.

Sonography Assessment of Acute Ocular Pathology. Leo M, Carmody K. Ultrasound Clinics of North America, April 2011; 6(2):227-234.

Sonographic Detection of Interstitial Lung Fluid Predicts Serum B-type Natriuretic Peptide
Level. Manson W, Bonz J, Carmody K, Osborne M, Moore C. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, February 2011; 12(1):102-106.

The association of coagulopathy and traumatic brain injury in patients with isolated head
trauma. Zehtabchi S, Soghoian S, Liu Y, Carmody K, Shah L, Whittaker B, Sinert R.
Resuscitation, January 2008; 76(1):52-56.

Identifying traumatic brain injury in patients with isolated head trauma: are arterial lactate
and base deficit as helpful as in polytrauma? Zehtabchi S, Sinert R, Soghoian S, Liu Y,
Carmody K, Shah L, Kumar M, Lucchesi M. Emergency Medicine Journal, January 2007;
24(5): 333-335.